Nancy Dayne

What fears or anxieties did you have about going to college?

My anxiety revolved around being able to balance school and work life, not knowing anyone, and making my family proud. I was also a first generation college student at CSULB!  I really wanted to get good grades and become the best preschool teacher and make a difference in the lives of children and families. I was so grateful for the wonderful professors, mentors, and clubs available as an undergraduate student. 


  • USC: Ed.D in Teacher Education in Multicultural Societies and CSULB:MA in Elementary Education: Early Childhood Education 

My advice is to seek out campus resources, get involved with clubs on campus, be present in your classes, be YOU, have a growth mindset, and always remember your WHY!  hat!

I love to travel, spend time with my family and friends, read books, and skin care. 

  1. My Family
  2. Books
  3. Food

I have been working at CSULB since 2004! My career trajectory includes early childhood teacher, assistant director, and center director. I serve on many professional committees in the community that support early childhood professionals, college students, young children and families.

 My research interests include online and face-to-face instructional settings for higher ed. students, higher ed. student-parent support services, pre-service and in-service teacher development, parent education, and parent involvement. 


 I am the daughter of an immigrant and was a first gen college student.  Speaking from my own experience and why I want to work with newly admitted first-generation students- I know how important it is to have a community of belonging. In my different roles on campus, my experiences and expertise with this population includes as a professor, a student club faculty advisor, major/career advisor and in planning, research advisor,  and participating in professional development to support first generation students in my role as interim director of the Faculty Center.