Celso Cervantes

What fears or anxieties did you have about going to college?

The anxieties I had about going to college were meeting new people and not being able to find my new friend group because I was so used to my friend group from high school that stepping out of my comfort zone showered me with anxiety. Another fear I had was living at Long Beach, since I wasn't from Long Beach I worried if living over here in the dorms would be a change that I was willing to go through.


The advice I have for first-gen students is as scary as it may seem, it's important to get out of your comfort zone. By getting out of your comfort zone, you'll obviously make mistakes but it's through those mistakes where you start to grow. I can 100% attest to this because this is what I forced myself to do. I got out of my comfort zone, made some mistakes, but I was able to learn what was right and what was wrong for me.

My career interest is to become a family doctor who works with patients from all ages or a general surgeon.

My personal interests are collecting records and playing video games. I find that playing video games is a good way to destress and a good way to spend quality time with friends. Collecting records is a hobbie I recently got into because of my friend and ever since I've enjoyed collecting records.

  1. Water purifier
  2. Tent
  3. Knife

I am not involved in any clubs but I am an RA for beachside.