COE Climate Survey Update
One of our priorities as a college this year is to use the feedback from the COE Climate Survey to move towards the college of tomorrow, where all employees feel like they belong and can reach their full potential. It is clear that we are not there right now, and it will take our collective work to deliberately move towards a truly inclusive and multicultural organization.
Actions we are currently taking include the following:
- DeeDee Green, Liza Bledsoe, and Liz Flores from the COE took the Difficult Conversations, Intergroup Dialogue Moderator training this summer. Some faculty in the COE have also had this training.
- The Dean’s Commission on Diversity, Equity, and Racial Justice will be collaborating with Dr. Angela Locks (Executive Director for DEI, CSULB) to design a program for the college this year to respond to the report. Activities we may undertake include Difficult Conversations training, focus groups, workshops, and/or events.
- The department chairs and dean’s office will engage in leadership development and teambuilding this year.
- The COE has initiated ongoing retreats and meetings to explore research facilities and workload allocation that are ongoing sources of stress for the faculty. Several proposals for multiuser and shared facilities, supervision credit, and large section credit are in ongoing discussions.
- We plan to administer the Climate Survey again in the spring to gauge any changes to the college climate.
- The 2024 Convocation Retreat was devoted to the COE Climate Survey Report and was used to collect action suggestions to add to those from the summer Cabinet meeting. The suggestions will be summarized and presented at a mid-year Town Hall meeting where we can determine next steps.
There is much more work ahead as we tackle all of the findings in the report. Diversity is our strength, equity is our goal, and inclusion is our commitment. Let's embark on this journey together, knowing that the path to a more inclusive and equitable future will be filled with opportunities for growth, innovation, and positive change.