The journey few have traveled; Insights into navigating careers in Security, Law Enforcement, Military, Entertainment, Professor-Instructor and Consultant

Greg Duncan

Greg Duncan ’93 

Senior Defense Official/Defense Attaché, U.S. Coast Guard (reserve)
Global Vice-President, Pinkerton Government Service, Inc.
Actor, Producer and Writer, SAG-AFTRA 

Captain Duncan completed U.S. Coast Guard basic training and served in various roles, including; Investigating Officer, Hazardous material specialist, and Staff Officer in the Port Security & Homeland Security Ops & Tactics Directorate. He co-chaired the Underwater Port Security Work Group, and drafted the 2004 Maritime Transportation Security Act. He later joined the CG Counter Terrorism unit and he served as the District 11 Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer. He was promoted to Captain in May 2021 nominated to his last assignment as a Diplomat and senior advisor to the U.S Ambassador to Haiti. Greg has numerous years of experience the C-Suite as Global Vice President; managing the Boeing Company portfolio, a $55 million dollar budget and over 800 personnel. Apart from his military and business career(s), he is an actor, producer, writer, consultant, and Adjunct Professor.

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