Women in Film Fest & "The Eye is the First Circle" Film Screening

Join CSULB's Women in Film Club and The Carolyn Campagna Kleefeld Contemporary for Women in Film Fest featuring a special screening of The Eye is the First Circle. 

Thursday, April 27, 6:00PM | Horn Center Lecture Hall 120
View event flyer

Documentary film on the 9th Street Women featuring details on the work and life of Lee Krasner and other artists. Enjoy this fascinating opportunity to meet some of the filmmakers and join an interdisciplinary discussion on challenges facing women in the arts then and now! The program is in association with the exhibition, Lee Krasner: A Through Line.


  • 5:30–6:30PM Women in Film Fest | Horn Center Lecture Hall 102
  • 6:00 to 6:30PM: Meet & Greet | Glenn Court 
  • 6:45–8:00PM: Film screening | Horn Center Lecture Hall 120
  • 8:00–8:30PM: Filmmaker, scholar and student Panel Discussion | Horn Center Lecture Hall 120 with Director, Producer, 2nd AC, Dr. Diana Anselmo & Mia Molina 

About the Film
The film tells the story of women artists from the 1940’s and 50’s who were excluded from the historical narrative of America’s first avant-garde art movement, simply because they were women.
The compelling story is based in part upon author Mary Gabriel’s New York Times bestselling book, Ninth Street Women: Lee Krasner, Elaine de Kooning, Grace Hartigan, Joan Mitchell, and Helen Frankenthaler: Five Painters and the Movement That Changed Modern Art. The documentary is named after Lee Krasner’s painting, “The Eye is the First Circle”. She created the work following the deaths of both her husband, Jackson Pollock in 1956, and her mother in 1959. The Krasner painting sold in May, 2019 for $11,654,000, setting a record of any of her work. This may be due in part, to the recent highlighting of the female artists of this period.

“The Eye is the First Circle” tells the story that women were working, that their work was significant, and ultimately they were significant and are now being more readily celebrated. Produced by Schler Productions LLC. and made possible in part by Christian Levett, Chris & Erin DeBow, Frankenthaler Foundation, and Chambers Initiative.