Master of Science in Construction Management (MSCM)

California State University, Long Beach 

                                     Policy Statement 22-03

February 28, 2022


Master of Science in Construction Management (MSCM)


(This new, state-supported, graduate degree was recommended by the Academic Senate on December 3, 2020, approved by the President on December 8, 2020, and approved by the California State University Chancellor’s Office on February 21, 2022.)


The Master of Science in Construction Management (MSCM) program aims at educating and training interdisciplinary professionals in order to provide them with the needed expertise for advanced technical activities in Construction and relevant areas of Construction Management.

Admission Requirements

In addition to admission by the University Office of Admissions and Records (UOAR), an applicant for graduate study in the MSCM must be admitted by the Department of Civil Engineering & Construction Engineering Management and the College of Engineering. It is the responsibility of the student to follow a current CSULB Catalog, which sets forth the policies of the University, the College of Engineering, and CECEM Department graduate programs.

  1. Students with a domestic undergraduate degree require:
    1. An earned Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) from an accredited college or university in construction related degree with a minimum GPA of 2.8. Graduates of curricula outside these program areas may be required to satisfy program prerequisite before full admission into the program
    2. Completion of the general Graduate Record Examination (GRE); the Department will determine the appropriate level of competency
      • Exception: The GRE requirement is waived for applicants only if the applicant has an undergraduate degree in construction management, construction engineering, civil engineering, or architectural engineering from a US accredited program (i.e. ACCE, ABET, etc.) AND has more than 3 years of managerial construction experience. A resume must be submitted that details this experience along with contact information for verification purposes.
    3. A statement of purpose (with clear indication of the emphasis)
  2. Students with an international undergraduate degree require:
    1. An earned Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) from an accredited college or university in construction related degree with a minimum GPA of 2.8. Graduates of curricula outside these program areas may be required to satisfy program prerequisite before full admission into the program
    2. English language proficiency, with a TOEFL score of >= 80 (iBT) or IELTS score of >= 6
    3. Completion of the general Graduate Record Examination (GRE); the Department will determine the appropriate level of competency
    4. A statement of purpose (with clear indication of the emphasis) Note: The institution code for GRE and TOEFL reporting is 4389.

Admission Process

  1. Students interested in applying to the MSCM program at CSULB should apply to the University using the online application available at: The applicant must complete and submit the application in order to be considered for admission into MSCM graduate program. The applicant should submit the MSCM application with a statement of purpose, and three letters of recommendation directly to the UOAR.
  1. One complete set of official transcripts of all college work attempted are required and must be sent to:

California State University, Long Beach Office of Admissions and Records
1250 Bellflower Boulevard
Long Beach, CA 90840, USA

  1. Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores must be forwarded directly from the Educational Testing Service to the UOAR. Test scores over 5 years old will not be considered.
  2. International students should first contact the Center for International Education on campus for special deadlines.
  3. International students are required to take the TOEFL test and achieve a minimum score of 550 for the paper-based test or 80 for the internet-based test, for admission consideration.
  4. All transcripts, the MSCM application packet, the GRE scores, and the TOEFL scores (if applicable) must be filed by the application deadline.

It is always advised that students submit their applications to the program early. No action can be taken on applications until all required documents are received. Application materials submitted after these dates will be reviewed, and students will be admitted as time and space permit.


Admission will be granted to students who show high promise of success in post-baccalaureate Construction Management study. Each applicant's potential for MSCM program will be evaluated based on the following major criteria:

  1. Past academic record, as reflected in the undergraduate GPA
  2. Scores of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE)
  3. Statement of purpose, which includes leadership potential, educational goals and academic strengths
  4. Three letters of recommendation
  5. Resumes


Admission to the University as a graduate student does not constitute admission to graduate study in the College of Engineering. The MSCM program requires additional admissions criteria, such as leadership potential, educational goals, and academic strengths.

Admissions to Graduate Courses

Students admitted to the MSCM program or approved by the CECEM Graduate Advisor may take graduate courses in Construction Management.

Continuous Enrollment

Once a student is accepted and enrolled in the MSCM program, they are expected to attend classes in both semesters of each academic year. (Spring and Fall semesters are considered the regular semesters of an academic year, while the summer attendance is optional.) Registration and completion of at least one course each semester satisfies the continuous enrollment requirement. If a student is unable to satisfy the continuous enrollment requirement, they must complete the Educational Leave of Absence procedures detailed below. The continuous enrollment status will only be preserved if the student's absence from a regular semester has been processed and approved through the Educational Leave of Absence procedures.

Students failing to maintain the continuous enrollment status will be administratively removed from the MSCM program. Registration privileges will be revoked. Students planning to continue in the MSCM program who have been administratively removed due to the violation of the continuous enrollment condition will be required to re-apply to the MSCM program and to the University.

Leave of Absence

Any MSCM student in good academic standing may request an educational leave. Students requesting an educational leave must complete an Educational Leave form, in advance, including an explanation of their reasons for seeking the leave and a statement of when they intend to resume their academic work. The completed form is to be submitted for approval to the COE Graduate Program Office and the University Admission and Records Office in accordance with University Policy.

The minimum initial leave will be one full semester, and the maximum will be one calendar year. In advance, a student may request, in writing, an extension of leave. Under no circumstances will the total number of approved educational leaves exceed two, nor will the duration of approved educational leaves extend beyond two calendar years.

An Educational Leave of Absence, if properly requested and processed, allows a student to satisfy the continuous enrollment requirement and therefore does not affect their good standing status. Students on an approved education leave of absence will continue to receive registration information and access to the VRR system until the authorized leave time expires.

Graduate students who plan to enroll for credits at another institution of higher education during the leave period must obtain prior approvals for the transfer of course credits to the student's program from the department chair in question and the graduate advisor.

The period of an educational leave is counted in the calculation of elapsed time under the regulations governing the seven-year maximum period for completion of the MSCM degree requirements.

In the period of an educational leave, the student's rights under the "Election of Regulation" rule are preserved, maintaining the right for the student to elect regulations as if he or she had maintained continuous attendance. See the CSULB catalog, General Rules and Procedures section, for a complete explanation of the Election of Regulation - "Catalog Rights".

An educational leave presupposes no expenditure of University resources and faculty/staff time on behalf of the student during the period of the leave. In addition, no computer facilities, library privileges, and student services are available to a student on the educational leave.

Transfer Credit

Assuming the continuous enrollment requirement has been satisfied, a maximum of nine credits that closely complement the student's degree objectives may be applied toward the requirements for the MSCM degree under the following conditions:

  1. The credits under consideration must be graduate credits
  2. The course work must be taken at an accredited undergraduate program
  3. Prior approval must be obtained from the CM graduate advisor and Department Chair The remaining units must be completed in courses at CSULB reserved exclusively for graduate students.

Scholastic Standards/Probation/Disqualification

A student who fails to maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in all work completed as a graduate student at this University or in all transferred work applied to the program will be placed on academic probation. The semester in which the student's GPA falls below 3.0 is the first probationary semester.

A student on probation, who at the end of the second probationary semester fails to obtain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher on all units attempted in the post-baccalaureate work at CSULB, will be disqualified and removed from the graduate program. The student should note that the cumulative GPA is calculated by the University Admissions and Records and includes all upper division and graduate courses taken while enrolled in the graduate program.

Degree Requirements

The Master of Science in Construction Management degree program at CSULB requires completion of 30 units of graduate courses, as specified below. Each student must satisfy all the requirements of the University, College, and Department. All courses listed below already exist in the department’s catalog and have been regularly offered for many years.

Core Courses: Complete five courses from the following construction management classes to satisfy the area requirement:

  • CE 571 - Construction Planning and Cost Control (3)
  • CE 573 - Engineering Specifications, Law and Contracts (3)
  • CE 574 - Methods, Analysis and Design of Construction Operations (3)
  • CE 576 - Construction Organization and Management (3)
  • CE 697 - Directed Studies (3)

Interdisciplinary Courses: Complete two courses from the following:

  • ACCT 500 - Managerial and Financial Accounting (3 units)
  • FIN 500 - Financial Management Concepts (3 units)
  • MRKT 500 - Marketing Concepts (3 units)
  • MGMT 500 - Business Policies, Operations and Organizations (3 units)

Elective Courses:

  1. Thesis Option: Complete 3 units of CE 698 - Thesis and two elective courses from the following construction management approved graduate courses.
  2. Comprehensive Exam Option: Complete the following:
    • Three elective courses from the following construction management approved graduate courses, and successfully complete the Comprehensive Exam

Approved Elective Courses:

  • CE 504 - Selected Topics in Civil Engineering (3 units)
  • CE 570 - Engineering Management Principles and Practices (3 units)
  • CE 581 - Sustainability and Green Construction (3 units)
  • CE 582 - Management of Productivity and Quality (3 units)
  • CE 585 - Utility Rehabilitation and Construction (3 units)

Published in Catalog and Offered: Fall 2023

  • Plan: CE__MS02PB
  • Career: Graduate
  • CIP: 52.2001
  • CSU Code: 05017
  • College: 52, College of Engineering
  • Department: Civil Engineering and Construction Management
  • Delivery: Face-to-face
  • Non-STEM