Provost's Message - March 18, 2020
Message From Provost Jersky
We are living in historic times. I certainly have been surprised and shocked at this unprecedented COVID-19 and the lifechanging effects our whole world is having to adjust to.
But here we are, quickly adapting to this new threat.
Know that I empathize with you during this time. All of us have loved ones that we are concerned about making it hard to focus on education. I understand the anxiety, fear and concern that all of us face.
As our campus has been forced to this everchanging reality, I am extraordinarily grateful to all of you. I have witnessed overwhelming flexibility, concern and patience. We really do have remarkable faculty and staff who are willing to adjust, overhaul or step up in the best interests of our students. The best of humanity really does shine bright when a situation is dark.
What now? What can we all do? I wish I could provide you with more answers, but I will continue to communicate out all emerging situations. While we cannot prepare for every nuanced possibility, we have set up plans, technology and procedures to maintain critical functions for our students, faculty and staff.
Academic Affairs has received several questions regarding the academic calendar and Spring Break. Courses will not occur over Spring Break. Faculty may give an assignment deadline for immediately after the break, but no actual courses can happen during the break. CSULB will maintain the regular academic calendar, including finals week. As a precautionary measure, the CDC is recommending everyone to avoid unnecessary travel, even during Spring Break. Mostly, stay safe!
CSULB’s COVID-19 website will continue to provide information and announcements will contain centralized resources. For faculty, we created an Academic Continuity Resource website that provides on-campus information on technology and alternate modes for classroom application. For our students, instructors will communicate any potential classroom changes as needed, and Student Health Services will provide 24-hour care for any health issues for our students.
We will face these upcoming changes together. Continue to stay up-to-date on preventative measures, encourage your peers and students to refrain from panic, and fight fear with facts through the latest resources available. Our community is stronger together.
Census 2020 - Everybody Counts
This census is sure to be a historic one in many ways. Most notably, this is the first time the census will be available online. Our university and community remain engaged and committed to making the census a success. We are involved with educating, collaborating, and supporting our communities during this census process.
Our CSULB Census website is an excellent resource that succinctly explains why the census matters and how completing the census varies for our different student populations. For those involved in community service in Long Beach, the city also offers a number of resources available to ensure that our population is effectively and efficiently counted. Our CSULB students are also engaging with the census with our award-winning Bateman Team leading the charge in spreading information to students.
I believe this is an important opportunity to practice compassion as we educate and inform. The Long Beach City government has provided a list of frequently asked questions regarding the census that is helpful in dispelling some common misconceptions. The census is available online at, now through the end of July.
Lastly, rest assured that everyone’s safety is paramount to me personally as well as our leadership and community. Thank you for your commitment to the public good, both locally and nationally.
Stay healthy,
Brian Jersky
Provost and Senior Vice President
Podcasts with the Provost - Academic Senate Chair, Jessica Pandya
For this month's episode of 'Podcast with the Provost,' we meet with the Academic Senate Chair, Jessica Pandya. We discuss her goals and vision as Chair of CSULB's Academic Senate, as well as her research regarding data usage on educational apps for teachers. Also on Spotify. Join the conversation. -
As we alternate the modality of our courses, stay up-to-date on any and all changes regarding our Academic Continuity plan. Our website is being constantly updated and contains all the pertinent resources for faculty with alternative forms of instruction.
At CSULB, we believe that everyone counts. See how you can get involved in making sure our population is accurately represented. Visit our census website to see how our campus is involved in the census process.
A Transportation Center: The Grunion Gazette with President Jane Close Conoley
Academic Affairs News
Jane Close Conoley - Cal State Long Beach Recognized By – Patch
Brian Jersky - Cal State Long Beach shows biggest graduation rate gains of all 23 CSU campuses –EdSource
Jane Close Conoley - Cal State Long Beach Continues Reversing The Number Of College Dropouts – Patch
Interns in the Arts benefiting the Creative Long Beach Internship Program – The Grunion Gazette
Kevin Wallsten - Discusses Super Tuesday Races – CBS Los Angeles
Sarah Schrank - CSULB: Panel, Movie Showing Will Mark Significant Achievements By Women – Patch
Grants and Gifts
Shailesh Chandra. Evaluating financing mechanisms and economic benefits to fund grade separation projects. Civil Engineering & Construction Engineering Management. COE. San Jose State University Research Foundation. $19,996. (September 2019 - August 2020)
Tracy Maples. Antelope Valley College - Title V grant. COE Administration. COE. Antellope Valley College via U.S. Dept. of Education. $240,000. (October 2018 - September 2023)
Paul Baker Prindle. Neha Choksi: Faith in Friction 2020 PAA. University Art Museum. COTA. Pasadena Art Alliance. $10,000. (March 2020 - February 2021)
Hamid Rahai. Boeing Research & Technology Projects 2020. COE Administration. COE. Boeing. $6,000. (January 2020 - December 2020)
Thomas O'Brien. Metrofreight: The Local/Global Challenge of Urban Freight. CITT. CPIE. University of Southern California. $12,500. (March 2013 - December 2020)
Aili Malm. Tempe First Responder Opiod Recovery Project. Criminal Justice. CHHS. Arizona Board of Regents. $115,000. (December 2019 - September 2023)
Frank Fata. Language Training Center. Comparative Literature & Classics. CLA. Institute of International Education. $11,292. (June 2019 - May 2020)
Ga-Young Suh. Biomedical Analysis of the Ascending Aorta after Dissection of TEVAR Treatment Thora. Biomedical Engineering. COE. Stanford University. $50,000. (September 2019 - August 2020)
Richard Marcus. California Global Education Project. International Studies Program. CLA. UCOP. $31,000. (July 2019 - June 2020)
Gerry Hanley. Historically Black Colleges and Universities Affordable Learning Solutions Summit. Psychology. CLA. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. $24,893. (February 2020 - June 2020)
Esa Syeed. UndocuTeacher Project: Pathways and Practices. Sociology. CLA. Sociological Initiatives Foundation. $20,000. (February 2020 - October 2021)
Hamid Rahai. Center of Excellence on EPA. COE Administration. COE. AFRL. $747,393. (January 2020 - August 2020)
Ron Mark. Principled Policing Course Update. Center for Criminal Justice Research & Training. CHHS. Commission on POST. $29,213. (January 2020 - June 2020)
Gary Hytrek. Research and Policy: Improving Housing Conditions Among HUD and Low-income Tenants in Long Beach, CA. Geography. CLA. Sociological Initiatives Foundation. $20,000. (February 2020 - October 2021)
In Memorium
Emeritus faculty Dr. William C. Ritz, founder of the Department of Science Education in the CNSM and beloved science educator, passed away. Ritz founded the National Center for Science in Early Childhood.
The next Provost’s Message will be published on Wednesday, April 15th. Items for the upcoming message should be submitted by Friday, April 10th, to All submissions must include a hyperlink with a title.