Independent Contractor Campus and 49’er Foundation
Certain services performed on campus must be completed by a CSULB department or division. Some services may be performed by external companies or individuals. External companies or individuals may be hired when the service is specialized or technical, requiring knowledge, experience, or abilities not required of existing employees.
Payment for services is based upon completion of specific work rather than time worked.
The requesting department must complete HR’s Independent Contractor Pre-Hire Determination Form for all hires including Simple Service and all other Independent Contractor Service hires.
For in-person services or events, it is the responsibility of the requesting department to ensure that campus visitors follow current campus COVID-19 protocols when visiting the campus. Please visit Reuniting the Beach to stay up-to-date on the most current information.
Simple Service:
No - A requisition is not required when the individual being hired meets the criteria below:
- The individual is not a current CSU employee, State of California employee, or recent retiree
- The payment is less than $5,000 per service and less than $5,000 per fiscal year.
- A single engagement is less than five (5) days, and cumulatively across all campus departments less than five (5) days per fiscal year
- The individual will not work directly with minors.
- The individual does not require the execution of their own contract.
- The service performed is a: lecturer or speaker in person or via Zoom/virtual (*not high risk); solo musician; guest model; guest judge of a debate, contest, or competition;
* High-risk speaking event - If the lecturer/speaker has a history of audience violence/protests/riots, or the expected audience will be more than 500 attendees, it is considered “high risk” and a requisition is required.
If the service hire of an individual fails any one of the elements above, it is not a Simple Service and a requisition is required.
All other Services:
Yes – A requisition is required for all service hires other than a Simple Service.
If a requisition is required, the minimum time for generating a dispatched Purchase Order:
A minimum of 10 working days after Purchasing received all completed documentation.
Campus and 49er Foundations thresholds
- All Goods & Services purchases between $50,000 - $100,000 require a minimum of 3 competitive quotes. If obtaining quotes from small or disabled veteran businesses, then only 2 quotes are required from the same classification (for example, 2 small business quotes).
- Anything under $50,000 is at the discretion of the Purchasing Department as to whether additional quotes are required.
- Purchases over $100,000 require a Request Formal Proposal (RFP). If obtaining quotes from small or disabled veteran businesses and the total amount is less than $250,000, then only 2 quotes are required from the same classification (for example, 2 small business quotes).
- Foundation “G” (Grants) Funds - All Goods & Services purchases between $10,000 - $49,999 require at least 2 informal quotes. Anything between $50,000 - $100,000 require 3 informal quotes. Purchases over $100,000 require a Request Formal Proposal (RFP).
Review Terms and Conditions.
Obtain approvals from appropriate areas.
Simple Service and All Other Independent Contractor hires:
Departments may utilize the Simple Service Offer Letter (PDF) to engage the Simple Service hire. Departments may not create their own contract or sign a contract created by the hire.
Departments must complete HR’s Independent Contractor Pre-Hire Determination Form for all Independent Contractor hires. Once the IC hire is approved by HR, the approved form should be submitted to Purchasing attached to a requisition.
Some individual hires may require a background check if the service involves minors, involves financial services, or involves some access to CSULB’s sensitive data.
By accepting a contract with the CSU, Contractors must certify they are neither nor its principals or its subcontractors are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from participation in transactions by any federal department or agency (2 Code Federal Regulations[CFR] 180.220, in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget guidelines at 2 CFR 180 that implement Executive Orders 12549 (3 CFR Part 1986 Comp., p. 189) and 12689 (3 CFR Part 1989 Comp., p. 235).
For contracts using both, CSU and federally awarded funds, a debarment check must be completed prior to issuing any procurement contracts of goods or services that are $25,000.00 or greater.
For Simple Service Hires:
- Permitted Payment Options: Based on category guidelines
- PO – Allowed
- PCard – Not Allowed
- One Card – Not Allowed
- Simple Service Direct Payment Request Form – Allowed
- Employee Reimbursement – Not Allowed
- Documents required for this type of payment:
- Signed Simple Service Offer Letter (PDF)
- Delegated approval (DOA) using Simple Service Independent Contractor (IC) Payment Request (PDF)
- Approved Pre-Hire Work Determination form from HR.
- Note: If the supplier is not currently in PeopleSoft, then include the Vendor 204 form or W8Ben (If International)
- All Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payments or checks will be issued by the Accounts Payable department
For All Other Independent Contractor hires:
- Permitted Payment Options: Based on category guidelines
- PO – Allowed
- PCard – Not Allowed
- One Card – Not Allowed
- Simple Service Payment Request Form – Not Allowed
- Employee Reimbursement – Not Allowed
- Documents required for this type of payment:
- Supplier Invoice (after issuance of a PO)
- Delegated approval (DOA) using one of the following options
- Authorized stamp on invoice referencing PO#, with Chartfields and signatures.
- Electronic approval (via email) sent directly to
- All Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) payments or checks will be issued by the Accounts Payable department.
Note: Invoices received by Accounts Payable prior to payment are routed to the requestor or approver to verify completion of service. Reference the Invoice Approval process for more information.
Vendor 204 & Tax Forms
If the supplier is not currently a vendor in PeopleSoft, departments must obtain a completed Vendor 204 Form and submit it together with the Simple Service Payment Request Form, or the requisition.
Tax Issues:
All hires must be legally allowed to perform work within the United States. If the individual or company is a non-resident/immigrant, or if the department is unsure of the residency status, departments must contact the Controller’s Office Tax Specialist ( PRIOR to retaining the individual. The Tax Specialist MUST verify residency status and/or Visa status prior to a department making a commitment to retain the independent contractor. Failure to do so may result in the university being unable to legally procure services and pay the independent contractor.
Suppliers that are not California residents may be subject to tax withholding. Contact the Controller’s Office Tax Specialist ( for more information before proceeding with any engagements.
Common GL Account(s) to Use
660835 – Lectures & Performances
613800 – Consulting Contract Services
Refer to your Division/College/Department for additional policies and procedures.