Day-Time MBA FAQ
The value of an MBA includes:
- joining a strong alumni network
- gaining confidence in your knowledge
- investing in yourself
- achieving the advanced skills needed to be a leader in business
MBA Graduates see better marketability, more job security, a network of peers to connect with and tap into, and last but not least, salary increases.
Applicants will not be interviewed; however, a Video Statement of Purpose and a short answer essay is required for the Admissions application.
Work experience is not required for the Day-Time MBA program.
The Day-Time MBA program is a full-time program that meets during the day. We understand that some students may need to work, but we discourage working over 20 hours a week, since working more than 20 hours per week will interfere with class schedules and your ability to contribute fully to group projects.
The Day-Time MBA program curriculum focuses on entrepreneurship and innovation.
Students in the Day-Time MBA program have access to Graduate Business Career Services, which offers a variety of supports and services that are exclusively available to students enrolled in graduate business programs. Students are highly encouraged to participate in the following:
- Graduate Business Mentor Program- connect professionals and alumni with current College of Business graduate students to form a mentor-mentee relationship
- Resume Book- students’ resumes sent directly to employers seeking to hire immediately
- Networking Nights- offered every semester for students to network with alumni, employers, and professionals