Statement on Civility and Acts of Violence
Statement on Civility and Acts of Violence
California State University, Long Beach, takes pride in its tradition of maintaining a civil and non-violent learning, working, and social environment. Civility and mutual respect toward all members of the University community are intrinsic to the establishment of excellence in teaching and learning. They also contribute to the maintenance of a safe and productive workplace and overall healthy campus climate.
The University espouses and practices zero tolerance for violence against any member of the University community (i.e., students, faculty, staff, administrators, and visitors). Violence and threats of violence not only disrupt the campus environment; they also negatively impact the University's ability to foster open dialogue and a free exchange of ideas among all campus constituencies.
To fulfill this policy, the University strives: 1) to prevent violence from occurring; and 2) to enforce local, state, and federal laws, as well as University regulations, regarding such conduct. The University also has established procedures for resolving and/or adjudicating circumstances involving violence, as well as threats of violence. A threat of violence is an expression of intention that implies impending physical injury, abuse, or damage to an individual or his/her belongings. All allegations of such incidents (i.e., acts and threats) will be aggressively investigated. Allegations that are sustained may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from employment, expulsion from the University, and/or civil and criminal prosecution.
Members of the campus community are encouraged to promptly report any acts of violence, threats of violence, or other behavior which by intent, act, or outcome harm themselves or others.