Policy Statement - 96-24 Counseling, Master of Science in : Option in Career Counseling, Option in School Counseling, Option in Student Development in Higher Education

Master of Science in Counseling 
Option in Career Counseling (code 6-3171) 
Option in School Counseling (code 6-3172) 
Option in Student Development in Higher Education (code 6-3173) 

These new options were recommended by the Academic Senate on September 26, 1996 
and approved by the President on October 17, 1996.

The Master of Science in Counseling Program consists of five options: 

1. Career Counseling 
2. Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling 
3. School Counseling 
4. Student Development in Higher Education 
5. Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling. 

The total number of course units needed to satisfy requirements for graduation depends upon the option selected by the student. 

Admission Requirements 

1. University Admission: File an "Application for Graduate Admission. along with one complete set of official transcripts with the University Office of Admissions no later than March 1 [VRC applicants only: April 15]; 

2. Program Admission: File a "Master of Science in Counseling. application to only one program option area with the College of Education Graduate Office along with one complete set of official transcripts and one copy of the University Application no later than March 15; 

3. Transcripts must verify a GPA of 2.85 or higher on the last 60 semester (or 90 quarter) units of course work taken. Evidence of completing at least a baccalaureate degree majoring in the behavioral sciences, education, or related program prior to beginning the Master of Science in Counseling program (those with other majors should seek advisement from the program faculty); 

4. Send three (3) letters of recommendation along with the Program Application; 

5. Send a type-written personal statement along with the Program Application; 

6. Screening interview(s) (upon notification by the option area); 

7. Items 1-5 above must be on file in the College no later than March 15 for the fol1owing fall semester [students are admitted to begin course work in the fall semester only] except as noted below. 

Career Counseiing applicants only: Items 1-5, along with results of the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) and current edition of the Strong Interest Inventory, must be on file in the College no later than March 15. 

MFCC applicants only: Items 1-5 must be on file in the College no later than March 1 for fall or October 15 for spring. Item 6 is required. [MFCC students are permitted to begin course work in either summer, fall, or spring semester upon admission to this option area]; 

VRC applicants only: Items 1-5, along with results of the Miller Anaiogies Test (MAT) and current edition of the Strong Interest Inventory, must be on file in the College no later than May 1. 

8. Applicants are not allowed more than one-third the total number of semester units credit applied to curriculum requirements of the option selected completed prior to admission into the first semester of the program. 

Option in Career Counseling (code 6-3171) 

All of the following (55-61 units): ED P 419, 420, 430, 510, 513, 515, 516, 520, 529, 530, 531, 555, 580, 637, 638, 643C, 644C, and one from ED P 517 or 566; and ED P 698 or comprehensive examination; Advancement to Candidacy 

ED P 419, 420, 430, 510, 515, 555; pass the WPE. 

Option in Marriage, Family and Child Counseling (MFCC) (code 6-3175) 

All of the following (62-67 units): ED P 419, 420, 430, 510, 511, 512, 513, 515, 520, 522, 531, 543, 555, 556, 604, 608, 609A-B, 634, 638, 643D, 644D, and ED P 698 or comprehensive examination; Advancement to Candidacy 

ED P 430, 510, 513, 515, 522, 555; pass the WPE. 

Option in School Counseling (code 6-3172) 

All of the following (48-54 units): ED P 419, 420, 430, 515, 517, 520, 536, 555, 604, 615, 638, 639, 643A, 644A, 695C, and one from ED P 530 or 531; and ED P 698 or comprehensive examination; Advancement to Candidacy 

ED P 419, 420, 430, 515, 555; pass the WPE. 

Option in Student Developmenl in Higher Education (SDHE) (code 6-3173) 

All of the following (45-51 units): ED P 419, 420, 434B, 515, 516, 531, 538, 548, 549, 555, 638, 643B, 644B, 695C, and one from ED P 520 or 595; and ED P 698 or comprehensive examination; Advancement to Candidacy 

ED P 419, 420, 434B, 515, 555; pass the WPE. 

Option in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling (VRC) (code 6-3170) 

All of the following (59-65 units): ED P 419, 420, 430, 501, 502, 503, 505, 510, 513, 515, 520, 524, 529, 531, 555, 580, 637, 645; and ED P 698 or comprehensive examination; Advancement to Candidacy 

ED P 419, 420, 430, 510, 515, 555; pass the WPE. 

EFFECTIVE: Spring 1997 

Code: 3171 
College: 50 
Career: GR 
IPEDS (Major) ERSS: 08261 
IPEDS (Degree) ERSD: 08261 

The existing General Option code 6-3165 is discontinued and closed to all new students