Policy Statement - 99-03 Dietetics and Food Administration, Bachelor of Science in, Minor in Food Science
Bachelor of Science Dietetics and Food Administration
Minor in Food Science (code 0-1010)
This new minor was recommended by the Academic Senate on December 3, 1998 and approved by the President on December 14, 1998
The minor in Food Science is available to any non-Food Science major. Significant preparation for employment in the Food Science Industry may be developed through completion of this program of study.
Requirements to complete the minor:
Twenty units including FCS 235, 332, 338, 432, 435, 464; 3 units selected from FCS 492 or 3 units of 497 as approved by the Food Science faculty advisor. It is the student's responsibility to adhere to all prerequisites listed below. It should be noted that some of the prerequisites fulfill General Education requirements.
1. FCS 332 and BIOL 260 or equivalent statistics are prerequisites for FCS 464.
2. FCS 232 is the prerequisite for FCS 435.
3. CHEM 327 and FCS 332 are prerequisites for FCS 432.
4. CHEM 327, FCS 235 and MICR 200 are prerequisites for FCS 332.
5. CHEM 111A (fulfills GE category Blb) or 202 (fulfills GE category B3) are prerequisite for FCS 235.
EFFECTIVE: Spring 1999
Code: 0-1010
College: 15
Career: UG
IPEDS (Major) ERSS: 13061
IPEDS (Degree) ERSD: 13061