Research Workshop for Women
Computing to Change the World for the Better: A Research-focused Workshop for Women

California State University Long Beach hosted a three-day workshop for undergraduate women from Southern California. More than 50 female undergraduates (from Cal State Long Beach, Cal State Fullerton, Cal Poly Pomona, San Diego State University, UC Irvine and UC San Diego) worked on research problems with clear real-world applications in teams led by faculty and assisted by graduate students. Additional sessions inspired female undergraduates and enrich their knowledge about research and graduate programs.
Keynote speakers:
- Dr. Anahita Shayesteh, Senior Staff Engineer, Samsung
- Dr. Kristina Winbladh Nasr, Technical Program Manager, Google
- Dr. Constance Steinkuehler, Professor of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine
Participants had an opportunity to:
- Learn about graduate school, application and admission process, academic and financial resources
- Meet and network with other Computer Science female undergraduates
- Learn from current PhD students about their journey, research projects, and future plans
- Explore an intense and authentic research experience in a friendly and supportive environment
- Work in a team to tackle a practical research problem
- Present their research results as a poster or via an oral presentation
Who attended the workshop?
Women undergraduates from schools in Southern California were invited to apply. Male students could also apply. Preference was given to first-generation students and those from groups underrepresented in computing.
“Note: CSULB events and scholarships are open to all CSULB students, regardless of sex/gender, race/ethnicity, religion, etc.”