

Individual Tutoring

For more information, email alin.yessaian@csulb.edu for tutoring specific questions or TLC-info@csulb.edu for general questions.

Tutoring Schedules:

Biology, Kinesiology, Nursing, and Nutrition: BIOL 205, 207, 208 KIN 300, 312, 339, 441 NRSG 200, 250, 302, 305 NUTR 132


Economics: ECON 100, 101, 300

Humanities: PHIL 100, 101, 130, 160, 170, 370 POSC 100 PSY various courses SOC 100, 142  AND Assistance with close-reading and analysis for Liberal Arts courses


Math 104

Math 112A

Statistics: STAT 108, SOC 170

Tutoring Appointments are available via Zoom and in-person.

The program will continue to hold appointments virtually as well as in-person at The Learning Center (SSC 160)

If you would like to book an appointment please schedule via Beach Connect 

Your tutor will email you a link inviting you to their Zoom session at the start of your meeting day and time.

Self-Service Scheduling Guide (PDF)

Campus pyramid with airplane overhead

Please note updated campus policy. 

Students are permitted 5 “No Show” appointments per month throughout ALL campus tutoring centers. If they exceed this limit they will lose the ability to self-schedule tutoring appointments.