
Also referred to as an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), flown under the control of a human operator from a ground-based controller.

Yes and if the purchase will be from a foreign supplier, please submit the Foreign Purchase requirements with the requisition.

If a requisition is required, the minimum time for generating a dispatched Purchase Order (PO):

45 days

Campus and Foundations - All Goods & Services purchases between $50,000 - $100,000 require a minimum of 3 competitive quotes. If obtaining quotes from small or disabled veteran businesses, then only 2 quotes are required from the same classification (for example, 2 small business quotes).

Anything under $50,000 is at the discretion of the Purchasing Department as to whether additional quotes are required.

Purchases over $100,000 require a Request Formal Proposal (RFP). If obtaining quotes from small or disabled veteran businesses and the total amount is less than $250,000, then only 2 quotes are required from the same classification (for example, 2 small business quotes).

Foundation “G” (Grants) Funds - All Goods & Services purchases between $10,000 - $49,999 require at least 2 informal quotes. Anything between $50,000 - $100,000 require 3 informal quotes. Purchases over $100,000 require a Request Formal Proposal (RFP).

Review Terms and Conditions.

Obtain approvals from appropriate areas.

By accepting a contract with the CSU, Contractors must certify they are neither nor its principals or its subcontractors are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from participation in transactions by any federal department or agency (2 Code Federal Regulations[CFR] 180.220, in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget guidelines at 2 CFR 180 that implement Executive Orders 12549 (3 CFR Part 1986 Comp., p. 189) and 12689 (3 CFR Part 1989 Comp., p. 235).

For contracts using both, CSU and federally awarded funds, a debarment check must be completed prior to issuing any procurement contracts of goods or services that are $25,000.00 or greater.

Risk Management Review Required?


  1. Permitted Payment Options: Subject to the above requirements.
    • PO – Allowed
    • ProCard – Not Allowed
    • One Card – Not Allowed
    • Direct Pay – Not Allowed
    • Employee Reimbursement – Not Allowed

Documents required:

  • Supplier Invoice
  • Additional required documents listed under the Additional Forms or Requirements section above.
  • Delegated approval (DOA) using one of the following options
    1. Purchase Order (PO)
      1. Dispatched PO & receipt of goods through Shipping & Receiving (no action required by requesting department)
      2. Authorized stamp on invoice referencing PO# and Acknowledgement of Service
      3. Electronic approval (via email) sent directly to fisinvoiceapproval@csulb.edu
  • Contingent Documents
    1. If the supplier is not currently in PeopleSoft, then include the Vendor 204 (DocuSign) form or, for international vendors, complete the W8Ben
    2. If foreign supplier purchase requires pre-approval, then submit approved Foreign Supplier Pre-Approval (DocuSign) form with payment method.

Payment Notes:

  • All checks will be mailed by the Accounts Payable department
  • Invoices received by Accounts Payable, prior to payment, are routed to the requester or approver to verify receipt of service or items. Reference the Invoice Approval Process for more information.

Common GL Account(s) to Use

  • 619001 - Other Equipment Capitalized
  • 619002 - Instructl Equipt Capitalized

Refer to your Division/College/Department for additional policies and procedures.