Food Service (Hospitality) - Self-Catering Option
Providing food or drink for guests, customers, or employees that the Department is picking up at an off-campus location or food is being delivered curbside/office. No catering services are being provided by the vendor delivering the food, no setup or serving of the food by the food supplier. All Pre-Approved Caterers can also be used for the small self-catering Option events (49 or less meals and no additional catering services).
A requisition is not required if the department is following the Self-Catering option.
Self-Catering is defined as meeting the following conditions:
- If total number of meals is 49 or below. No order splitting to stay below the 49 meals total.
- The supplier does not serve or set up the food.
- A signed contract or agreement is not required. The Department may sign a simple Banquet Event Order (BEO) or food order confirmation. No other terms should be included with the BEO or food order confirmation.
If the purchase does not conform to the above Self-Catering requirements, then the required Food Service need must be fulfilled using a Pre-Approved Catering provider. To note, all pre-approved catering suppliers have ensured that they have proper food handling and are meeting our delivery compliant regulations that adhere to local health and safety regulations. By choosing a Self-Catering, you are accepting vendor terms and conditions.
The above identified restrictions applies to the serving of hot/cold meals to individuals. The identified restrictions do not apply to the purchase of prepacked snacks (i.e., cookies, chips, candy, etc.). There is no limit to number of individuals that that may be provided snacks.
Must complete the applicable Hospitality form (signed by appropriate approver) to submit with invoice, if applicable. If you are unsure, reference the hospitality guideline or contact Accounts Payable.
- Hospitality Payment Request - Multiple Event, Single Supplier
- Hospitality Payment Request - Single Event, Single Supplier
Limits are set by occasion and funding source.
No as Self-Catering Option means the vendor will not be catering or bring in any food trucks to produce food or drink on site.
Permitted Payment Options: Subject to the above requirements.
- Pcard or One Card when no contract required
Documents required with month-end approved ProCard statement:- Supplier Invoice/Receipt
- Approved Hospitality Payment Request - Single Event, Single Supplier or Hospitality Payment Request - Multiple Event, Single Supplier
- Direct Pay - Allowed
- Employee Reimbursement – Allowed
All purchases being made under the Self-Catering How to Purchase and Pay guidelines may be made using a ProCard or by Direct Pay or Petty Cash reimbursement. Use of a Purchase Order is not allowed.
Common GL Account(s) to Use
- 660922 – Hospitality Expense
- 660042 – Recruitment
- 622802 – SP-Research Participant Meals
- 660838 – Student Athlete Meals Non-Travel
Refer to your Division/College/Department for additional policies and procedures.