Amazon Business

Amazon Business is now approved for non-contracted and miscellaneous items. This new program simplifies your purchasing process and allows you to take advantage of Amazon’s wide product selection and competitive prices.
Additional benefits include:
- Free 2-Day shipping on Prime-eligible items (learn more)
- Access to millions of additional products, available only to Business customers
- Business-specific pricing, including quantity discounts on eligible items
- Access to a specialized Amazon Business Customer Service team
Important to Note:
- The CSULB Amazon Business Account is for Work related Purchases Only, no personal charges are to be made.
- The only payment option allowed to use is your US Bank Credit Card issued by the Procurement Office.
- Please refer to the Procurement Website, How to Purchase to Pay for all allowable purchases on the P Card. Specifically, please review requirements for All Information & Communication Technology (ICT) requirements that must be reviewed for complaince for accessibility and security standards before you purchase on Amazon.
What is ICT?
- Anything that creates, stores, or transfers digital information.
- Information technology and other equipment, systems, technologies, or processes, for which the principal function is the creation, manipulation, storage, display, receipt, or transmission of electronic data and information, as well as any associated content.
- Examples include websites, web applications, copiers/printers, instructional equipment and applications, video and multimedia products, software, operating systems, kiosk, desktop and portable computers, research applications, etc.
Important Delivery Information
When purchasing on Amazon Business, choose one of the two authorized ship-to locations below:
Amazon Hub Locker+ (The Beach)
(Add your department name here)
Attn: First Name Last Name, Bldg. & Room Number
6049 E 7th St
Long Beach, CA 90840-0007
United States
CSULB (Add your department name here)
Attn: First Name Last Name, Bldg. & Room Number
1331 Palo Verde Blvd.
Long Beach, CA 90840-0005