Enrollment Services Workshops

Current CSULB students are encouraged to attend free workshops to learn about registration, educational leave, financial aid, scholarships, and other processes related to their enrollment at CSULB.

Workshops are hosted either in-person or virtually by ZOOM. We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming workshop!

Select a topic below to see the current schedule:

Current students may attend this workshop to learn how to use online tools in MyCSULB Student Center to manage their academic career — such as the Degree Planner, Academic Requirements Report, and Class Schedule Planner.

This workshop is currently unavailable. A new workshop is under development. Stay tuned!

If you are a current student thinking about taking some time away from CSULB, we recommend applying for Educational Leave. This workshop will help you understand the requirements and benefits of a leave. Plus, learn how to avoid losing your catalog rights and having to re-apply to the university when you wish to return.

Beach Connect App

Sign-Up via Beach Connect
Join a workshop by logging in to your CSULB SSO and selecting the Beach Connect app.

Upcoming Workshop Dates:

  • Monday, 3/24/25 at 3 p.m. via Zoom
  • Thursday, 4/24/25 at 10 a.m. via Zoom
  • Wednesday, 5/7/25 at 10 a.m. via Zoom

Can't attend an upcoming Educational Leave workshop? Watch a recording of a past session to stay in-the-know about Educational Leave eligibility; how to request a leave; and more.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the privacy of students and their educational records. Student assistants who request access to student educational records must complete FERPA training. This training ensures that student assistants with access to student educational records understand the protection of those records under FERPA policy.

Students who are hired on campus in Student Assistant roles at CSULB are required to complete FERPA Compliance training as part of their data security clearance. When you are hired as a Student Assistant, be sure to complete the following:

  1. Student Assistant PeopleSoft Student Administration System Security Authorization Form (DocuSign initiated by your supervisor)
  2. Student Assistant Student Administration System Confidentiality Agreement (DocuSign)
  3. Watch the FERPA Compliance Training video and submit quiz results (link in video description) confirming your FERPA training has been completed. 

Sign-Up via Beach Connect

Beach Connect App
  1. Log in to your CSULB SSO and select the Beach Connect app.
  2. Click the "Get Assistance" button.  Beach Connect will prompt you to schedule an appointment.
  3. Under "Care Unit," select Beach Central.
  4. Under "Service," select FERPA Training.
  5. Sign up for one of the available dates.

    Upcoming Workshop Dates:
  • Thursday, 3/27/25 at 9 a.m. via Zoom
  • Friday, 4/4/25 at 12 p.m. via Zoom

No upcoming financial aid workshops at this time.


Students have access to various online tools (such as the Academic Requirements Report) to track their progress toward graduation. This workshop is for students who want to learn more about these tools and the graduation application process.

Beach Connect App

Sign-Up via Beach Connect
Join a workshop by logging in to your CSULB SSO and selecting the Beach Connect app.

  • Thursday, 2/6/25 at 10 a.m. via Zoom
  • Wednesday, 3/19/25 at 3 p.m. via Zoom
  • Friday, 4/18/25 at 10 a.m. via Zoom