Japanese Horror Films with Dr. Lindsay Nelson
Japanese horror films have long been concerned with "haunted media," from the haunted video production of Psychic Vision (Jaganrei, 1988) to the cursed video cassette of The Ring (Ringu, 1998). How do we think about haunted media, though, in a time when our lives are more dominated than ever by new media objects and devices? This talk examines the ways that cell phones, social media, and webcams figure not only in the narratives of recent Japanese horror films like Suicide Forest Village (Jukai Mura, 2021) and 2channel Curse (2channneru no noroi, 2010~2014), but how those same devices and objects are central to the films' marketing, circulation and consumption. In many contemporary Japanese horror films, which may be viewed via MX4D in a theater or on a tablet screen in one's own home, the blurred boundaries of the "virtual window" create another layer of fear and unease.
Event moderated by Seung-hoon Jeong