A Fantastic Woman in Context: Queer/Trans* Cinemas in Latin America Guest Lecture by Carl Fischer (Associate Professor, Fordham University)



A brief historical and theoretical overview of queer and trans themes in Latin American cinemas, to contextualize Sebastián Lelio's film A Fantastic Woman. The lecture will be grounded in discussions of identity, desire, scopophilia, and the gaze, as well as more contemporary debates about trans representation. This guest lecture is part of FEA 392C Latin American Cinema course and it is open to the broader Film & Electronic Arts department and CSULB community. 




Carl Fischer is Associate Professor of Spanish in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at Fordham University. He is the author of Queering the Chilean Way: Cultures of Exceptionalism and Sexual Dissidence, 1965-2015 (Palgrave MacMillan, 2016) and co-editor (with Vania Barraza) of Chilean Cinema in the Twenty-First-Century World (Wayne State UP, 2020). His writing has been published in American Quarterly, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, Hispanic Review, and Comunicación y medios, among other academic journals. Before getting his PhD he worked as a translator for the Chilean government for several years. 


Moderated by Assistant Professor, Dr. José Miguel Palacios


Event Info:

  •    November 16th at 6:30PM
  •    Zoom Link
  •    Meeting ID: 841 0520 0537 
  •    Password618630