Dr. Rebekha Abbuhl
Title: Associate Professor & Graduate Advisor
Office Location: working remotely
Office Hours: Please check the current syllabus
E-mail Address: Rebekha.Abbuhl@csulb.edu
BA in Literary Studies, Beloit College, 1993
MA in Linguistics, Ohio State University, 1996
PhD in Applied Linguistics, Georgetown University, 2005.
Teaching/Research Interests:
My primary research interests focus on the acquisition of second language writing skills and the effect of input and interaction on the development of both the written and spoken L2. I am also interested in teacher training and second language acquisition research methods.
Courses Taught:
LING 101: Introduction to the World’s Languages
LING 301: Introduction to Research Methods
LING 329: Introduction to Language Acquisition
LING 460: TESL Composition
LING 486: Second Language Teaching Methods
LING 539: Language Acquisition
LING 593: Practicum in TESL
LING 595: Qualitative Research Methods
LING 596: Quantitative Research Methods
Publications and Professional Presentations:
Sagarra, N., & Abbuhl, R. (2013). Optimizing the noticing of face-to-face recasts via computer-delivered feedback: evidence that oral input enhancement and working memory help L2 learning. Modern Language Journal, 97, 196-216.
Abbuhl, R. (2012). Using self-referential pronouns in writing: The effect of explicit instruction on L2 writers at two levels of proficiency. Language Teaching Research, 16, 501-518.
Abbuhl, R. (2012). Practical methods for teaching replication to applied linguistics students. In G. Porte (Ed.), Replication research in applied linguistics (pp. 135-150). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Mackey, A., Abbuhl, R., & Gass, S. (2012). Interaction approach. In S. Gass & A. Mackey (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of second language acquisition (pp. 7-23). New York: Routledge.
Abbuhl, R. (2011). Why, when and how to replicate research. In A. Mackey & S. Gass (Eds.), Research methods in second language acquisition: A practical guide (pp. 296-312). London: Basil Blackwell.
Abbuhl, R. & Mackey, A. (2008). Second language research methods. In K. A. King & N. Hornberger, Encyclopedia of language and education: Volume 10 (research methods). London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Mackey, A. & Abbuhl, R. (2006). Interaction and tasks. In C. Sanz (Ed.), Mind and context in adult second language acquisition: Methods, theory, and practice. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
Abbuhl, R. (April 2005). Going beyond the product: Using stimulated recalls in L2 writing research. International Society for Language Studies, Montreal, Canada.
Silver, S., Abbuhl, R., & Mackey, M. (April 2005). Communicative tasks, corrective feedback and child second language acquisition. International Society for Language Studies, Montreal, Canada.
Abbuhl, R. (March 2005). Assessing the impact of feedback on L2 writing: The case of the advanced learner. Georgetown University Round Table, Washington, DC.
Professional Activities, Awards, & Affiliations:
- Phi Beta Kappa
- Member of TESOL