Dr. Nancy Hall
Title: Professor & Department Chair
Office: PSY 118
Phone: (562) 985-2656
Email: Nancy.Hall@csulb.edu
BA in Near Eastern Studies, Johns Hopkins University, 1997
PhD in Linguistics, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 2003
Teaching/Research Interests:
My primary research interests are in the area of phonology and phonetics. I am director of the CSULB Phonetics Lab; see the lab page for current projects.
Courses Taught:
LING 100: The Nature of Language
LING 329: Language Acquisition
LING 401: Corpus Linguistics
LING 420: Phonology
LING 426: History of the English Language
LING 438: Psycholinguistics
LING 610: Historical Linguistics
LING 625: Seminar in Phonetics and Phonology
Select Publications:
Most publications are listed on the CSULB Phonetics Lab page. Below are a few pre-CSULB publications, and some not part of lab projects.
2020. Abeywardana, S. U., Velasco, S., Hall, N., Dillon, J., & Chun, C.A. Near-peer mentoring in an undergraduate research training program at a large master’s comprehensive institution. Understanding Interventions, 11(1: The Use and Impact of NIH-fueled Resources for Mentoring—Reports from the Field), 12477.
2018. Articulatory Phonology [chapter]. In Anna Bosch & S. J. Hannah, eds, Routledge Handbook of Phonological Theory, ed. Anna Bosch and S. J. Hannahs. pp 530-552. (preprint)
2011. Vowel epenthesis. In Marc van Oostendorp, Colin J. Ewen, Elizabeth Hume & Keren Rice (eds.) The Blackwell companion to phonology. 5 vols. Malden, MA & Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1576–1596.
2010. Articulatory Phonology. Language and Linguistic Compass 4/9. pp. 818–830.
2009. (with Maria Gouskova) An acoustic study of epenthetic and underlying vowels in Lebanese Arabic. In Steve Parker, ed., Phonological Argumentation Essays on Evidence and Motivation. Equinox.
2007. Lexical selection for left-edge stress in children. In L. Bateman, M. O’Keefe, E. Reilly and A. Werle, eds., Papers in Optimality Theory3. University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers. Amherst, MA: GLSA.
2006. Cross-linguistic patterns of vowel intrusion. Phonology 23: 387-429. PDF pre-print
2003. Gestures and segments: vowel intrusion as overlap (doctoral dissertation)
2001. MAX-Position drives iterative footing. In K. Megerdoomian and L. A. Bar-el, eds, WCCFL 20 Proceedings, pp. 248-261. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
Professional Activities, Awards, & Affiliations:
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow, 1998-2001.