Dr. Lorraine Kumpf
Title: Professor
Office Location: PSY 413
Phone Number: (562) 985-1874
E-mail Address:Lorraine.Kumpf@csulb.edu
Bachelor’s Degree: 1970, German language and literature, Syracuse University, cum laude
Master’s Degree: 1978, Linguistics, University of Colorado, 1974, Teaching English as a Second Language, University of Colorado
Ph.D.: 1986, Applied Linguistics, University of California, Los Angeles Other: Also studied Germanistik at the University of Hamburg (Germany), Linguistics at Cornell University, inter alia. Visiting Scholar at UC Santa Barbara, 1991-2, 2000.
Teaching/Research Interests:
What interests me most about language is the relationship between the ways language is used (embodied in its communicative contexts) and the ways it is structured grammatically. This interest entails others, variously named: functional linguistics, the pragmatics-grammar interface, syntax from the ‘discourse and syntax’ perspective, social and cognitive effects on discourse, and the relationship of genre and structure. A related focus is on classroom discourse and the relationship of discourse and learning. These are areas of both research and teaching. In addition, I like teaching general linguistics and language acquisition, and teach one of the following each year at UCLA: Functional Grammar, Pragmatics and Grammar, Cognitive Linguistics. I also enjoy learning languages while living abroad. My most influential personal linguistic experiences took place over several years in Ethiopia and Algeria; Africa and African languages are abiding interests.
Courses Taught:
- LING 325: Modern English Grammar
- LING 329: Intro to Language Acquisition (course coordinator)
- LING 363I: Implications of Human Language
- LING 420: Phonology
- LING 421: Syntax
- LING 428: Applied Linguistics
- LING 433: Survey of Discourse Analysis
- LING 500: Educational Linguistics
- LING 633: Discourse and Grammar
Publications and Professional Presentations:
- (in press) Genre and argument structure: Origins of argument structure in classroom discourse, in J. Du Bois, L. Kumpf, and W. Ashby, eds. Preferred Argument Structure: Grammar as architecture for function. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- 2002. Information flow, NP form, and gesture. In Language and Gesture. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society.
- 1996. The pragmatic status of information spoken in a shared visual context, presented at the International Pragmatics Association Meeting 5, Mexico City, July.
- 1993. “Grammatical roles and participant introductions…”, Texas Linguistics Forum, 33
- 1992. Preferred Argument Structure and second language acquisition. Studies in Language: 16: 2.
Professional Activities, Awards, & Affiliations:
- 2002-3. Grant for Assessment: Language structure and acquisition, CSULB
- 2002. SCAC internal research grant for the relationship of gesture, information status, and grammar, CSULB
- 2001. Enhancing Educational Effectiveness grant, multimedia for undergraduate language acquisition, CSULB
- 1998-2001. Knight Grant participant: 1. Language studies team leader: language curriculum for teacher preparation, Multiple Subjects Credential. 2. Linguistics for teacher preparation, Multiple Subjects Credential.
- 1995. Conference organizer. Preferred Argument Structure and Beyond.. International conference held at UC Santa Barbara, May, 1995.
- 1994. Discourse Transcription. A tutorial for transcribing discourse, result of a grant from Apple Computers. I have received numerous internal grants, mostly for discourse analysis and grammar, from
- 1988-present. Other professional activities include book editing, reviewing articles for various publications; evaluating abstracts for AAAL and LSA, working in a research lab (UCSB), and fulfilling various functions in the Department and College. Affiliations: Linguistic Society of America, International Pragmatics Association, Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), American Association for Applied Linguistics
- Linguist List – best general linguistics website
- UC Santa Barbara Linguistics – center for functional linguistics, many links
- Dave’s ESL cafe – richest site for all things ESL, including jobs
- UC Berkeley Linguistics – cognitive linguistics, general linguistics, Berkeley Linguistic Society
- Center for Applied Linguistics – excellent source for applied linguistics and language teaching
- UC Los Angeles Applied Linguistics – important source for applied linguistics research
- Linguistic Society of America – general theoretical and descriptive linguistics: many link