Dr. Itxaso Rodriguez
Title: Associate Professor
Office Hours: Mon/Wed: 11:00-2:00pm (by appointment ONLY)
E-mail: Itxaso.Rodriguez@csulb.edu
Bachelor’s Degree in English Philology, University of Deusto, Bilbao, 2009
Master’s Degree in Hispanic Linguistics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2011
PhD in Hispanic Linguistics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2016
Teaching/Research Interests:
My primary area of research is in the field of variationist sociolinguistics with a special attention to contact situations in minoritized contexts such as Basque-Spanish in Spain and Spanish-English in the US. I combine both qualitative analysis (metapragmatic commentaries, discourse, ideologies) with quantitative methods of speech data to uncover the processes behind contact-induced variation and to explain why such variation occurs the way it does, especially in social situations of rapid social change (i.e. language revitalization, gentrification).
Courses Taught:
- LING 329: Language Acquisition
- LING 375: Spanish in the U.S.
- LING 379: Sociolinguistics
- LING 424: Laboratory Phonetics
- LING 472: Language and Social Justice
- LING 540: Sociolinguistics
- LING 650: Bilingualism