Virtual Talk: "By Writing We Live: Syrian Women Speak Out”

The Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, in collaboration with the Institute for Feminist Studies & Social Action at CSUN and the Center for Feminist Research at USC, invites you and your students to a virtual talk by Dr. Najat Abed Alsamad titled “By Writing We Live: Syrian Women Speak Out” on March 27, 4-5.30 pm PST.
Zoom ID: 838 7670 8548
Zoom Password: 705648
Speaker Bio: Dr. Najat Abed Alsamad is a Syrian writer, gynecologist, and Russian-Arabic translator whose work addresses the realities of contemporary Syrian life, often focused on female characters. She has published eight books, six novels, and two books in translation from Russian. Her novel, No Water Quenches Her Thirst, won the 2018 Katara Prize, an Arabic literary prize. Alongside her novels, she has published several articles and research papers in Arabic-language newspapers. She holds a BA in Arabic Language and Literature from the University of Damascus.
Sponsors: CSUN College of Humanities, CSUN Middle East and Islamic Studies Program, CSUN Center for Civil Discourse and Social Change, and CSULB Global Middle East Studies Minor.
Alsamad Virtual Talk