History Writing Tutors Program

Hi there! We are here to help students write a thesis statement and to give general advice about organizing a paper for any historyclass .

  • We expect all 100-level students to have read all of the assigned material before receiving tutoring for a thesis. 
  • Students that come prepared with three thought-out topics for their body paragraphs can often be helped twice as fast.
  • The best time to come in is after reading all of your materials, but before you start writing your paper.

Making an Appointment 

You must sign up anytime before 5:00 p.m. the day before your desired appointment. i.e. If you want to be tutored on Thursday at 5:30 p.m., you must sign up before 5pm on Wednesday.

You can indicate a preference for your appointment: in-person or online. We will do our best to accommodate your preference, but please note that in-person appointments are subject to change to online if in-person tutors are not available at your scheduled time. Please make sure to include all requested information so that the sign-up process can go as smoothly as possible. Our tutors will reach out via email to confirm your appointment and send you the meeting link, should you choose the online option.

Our hours are divided into 30 minute time-slots. The amount of time to help each student varies, but most students are helped in about 15 minutes. 

What to Bring to Your Appointment

  • Your essay prompt
  • Something to write or type with
  • Three ideas for topics you might want to write about (these do not have to be fully developed!)

If you would like to plan out a preliminary thesis before seeing us, please fill out the thesis worksheet to help you develop a historical and arguable thesis.