Dr. Elizabeth Dahab's publications

F. Elizabeth Dahab

Selected Publications


2009: Single Author Monograph: Voices of Exile in Contemporary Canadian Francophone Literature.

Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2009 (After the Empire Series) Paperback edition published in 2011.

2002: Edited anthology: Voices in the Desert: The Anthology of Arabic-Canadian Women-writers. Toronto: Guernica Editions.

1996: Children’s book: Hurly and the Bone, Thomas Jefferson University Press, Kirksville, Missouri.

1995: Translation/Adaptation: Comparative Literature Today: Methods and Perspectives. Kirksville, Missouri: Thomas Jefferson Press. Translation/adaptation into English of Yves Chevrel’s La Littérature Comparée, (“Que Sais-je” Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1989).


2020a: “Poetics of Madness and Alienation in a Francophone Canadian Novel,” Wordgathering: A Journal of Disability Poetry and Literature 13.4.

2020b (June): “Systemic Racism and the Killing of Rayshard Brooks,” Counterpunch. Non-academic piece in the spirit of Black Lives Matter.

2020c (March): “The Corona Virus, Trump, and Friday the 13th Press Conference,” Counterpunch. Pertains to Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

2020d: “Burial at Sea: Reconciliation and Bereavement in Wajdi Mouawad’s Littoral (Tideline),” in Selected Proceedings of the 2017 Societies of Activities and Research on the Indian World (Sari) conference on the theme of “Reinventing the Sea: Precarity, Epistemology, Narratives,” pp. 57-65. Refereed. Online.

2020e: “‘To Roam a Borderless World’: The Poetics of Movement and Marginality in Carnival,” in Beirut to Carnival City: Reading Rawi Hage. Ed. Krzysztof Majer. Leiden: Brill Rodopi, 2020, pp. 120-134. Refereed/Invited. Print.

2018: “Like a Dancing Gypsy’: A Close Reading of Cockroach,” in Comparative Literature for the New Century. Ed. Giulia de Gasperi. Queen’s University Press, pp. 215-228. Refereed. Print.

2016: “Poetics of Amnesia and Reverse Migration in Khaled Osman’s Le Caire à corps perdu,” Journal of Disability Literature. Volume 4, #4 (December), Invited. Online.

2015: “On the Poetics of Arab-Canadian Literature in French and English,” in The Oxford Handbook of Canadian Literature. Ed. Cynthia Sugars (University of Ottawa). New York: Oxford University Press USA: 639-657. Invited/Refereed.

2013: “The Anglophone Arab Novel and the Rise of Rawi Hage,” in The Edinburgh Companion to the Arab Novel in English: Politics of Anglo Arab and Arab American Literature & Culture. Ed. Nouri Gana (UCLA). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2013: 269–297. Refereed.

2012a: “A Semiotic Reading of Hédi Bouraoui’s “The Woman Between the Lines,” in Selves and Subjectivities; Reflections on Canadian Arts and Culture. Eds. Veronica Thompson and Manijeh Mannani. Edmonton, Canada: Athabasca University Press, 2012: 13–37. Invited/Refereed.

2012b: “Francophone Arab Women Writers and Their Writing,” in Representations: Memoirs, Autobiographies, Biographies: Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures Online Edition. Ed. Suad Joseph. Invited.

2006a: “Poetics of Exile and Dislocation in Saad Elkhadem’s Wings of Lead (1971), The Plague (1989), and Trilogy of the Flying Egyptian (1990-1992),” Canadian Ethnic Studies, volume xxx.No.2, 2006: pp. 72-86. Refereed.

2006b: “Exilic Writer Saad Elkhadem and two Transnational Novellas,” in Revisiting Minorities: Studies in Literature and Criticism. Eds. Larbi Touaf and Soumia Bouktil, Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle, England, 2006: pp. 183-194. Refereed.

2004: “Beginning, Orientalism and After; On Edward Said,” Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de littérature comparée, 2004, 29.2–3. Peer reviewed.

2003: “On Edward Said, Scholar and Public Intellectual,” CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, A Web Journal, (Purdue) 5.4 (2003). Peer reviewed.

2001: “Voices of Exile: The Literary Odyssey of Canadian Writers of Arabic Origins,” Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue canadienne de littérature comparée, 28.1 (2001): 48–69. Peer-reviewed.

2000: “Francophonie en exil et littératures mineures: Le cas du Québec,” Colonizer and Colonized, Selected Proceedings of the XVth Congress of The International Comparative Literature Association: “Literature as Cultural Memory” (Leiden, Netherlands, 1997), eds. D’Haen, Theo and Patricia Krüs, Rodopi: Amsterdam and Atlanta, 2000, pp. 321–333. Peer-reviewed.

1999a: “Théophile Gautier (1811-1872) and the Orient,” Comparative Literature and Culture, A WEB Journal.

1999b: “Arabic-Canadian Literature: Overview and Preliminary Bibliography,” Canadian Ethnic Studies, 2: 101–111. Peer-reviewed.

1998a: “De la production littéraire et des écrivains canadiens d’origine arabe,” Canadian Culture and Literature. And a Taiwan Perspective. Eds. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek and Yiu-nam Leung, Edmonton: Research Institute for Comparative Literature, U of Alberta, 1998: 195–207.

1998b: “Des littératures migrantes d’expression française au Québec,” Collectif Interculturel. La Revue de l’Institut de Recherche et de Formation Interculturelles de Québec, III-2 (1998): 5-19. Peer-reviewed.

1998c: “L’Exil aux portes du paradis. Ecritures et écrivains canadiens du Moyen-Orient,” Comparative Literature Now: Theories and Practice. Selected Papers from the Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association (Edmonton, 1994), Eds. Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven, Milan V. Dimic, and Irene Sywenky. Paris, Honoré Champion (1998): 319–331. Refereed.

1997: “On the Making of a Book: An Author’s Perspective of the Literary System,” The Systemic and Empirical Approach to Literature and Culture as Theory and Application, eds. I. Sywenky and S. Tötösy de Zepetnek, Edmonton: Research Institute of Comparative Literature, U. of Alberta and Siegen: Institute for Empirical Literature and Media Research, 1997: 225–235. Peer-reviewed.

1996: “La Francophonie Fin de Siècle: de l’un et du Multiple.” Collectif Interculturel, La Revue de l’Institut de Recherche et de Formation Interculturelles de Québec, II-1 (1996): 25-43. Peer-reviewed.

1995a: “Visages de la francophonie: du politique, du littéraire, du sociologique.” Postcolonial Literatures: Theory and Practice: Les littératures post-coloniales: Théories et réalisations, ed. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek and Sneja Gunew, special issue of Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée, 22.3–4 (1995): 693-705. Peer reviewed.

1995b: “Comparative Literature Today; Translator’s Introduction,” in Comparative Literature Today: Methods and Perspectives: Kirsksville, Missouri, Thomas Jefferson Press, 1995: 11–15. Peer-reviewed.

1990: “La Transatlantic Review de Ford Madox Ford,” Revue de Littérature Comparée, Paris (Centre National de Recherche Scientifique) 1990, 1 (Jan.–March), pp. 283–298. Peer-reviewed.

1989: “The Time-shift in The Good Soldier,” Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics (American University in Cairo) 9 (1989): 70–83. Peer-reviewed.