Faculty Publications: Sociology - 2025
Andrassy, Kalman. 2024. Simplifying and Demystifying Economics. Kendall Hunt. https://he.kendallhunt.com/product/simplifying-and-demystifying-economi…
Mileva, Mariya, Woodward, Kerry, and Zentgraf Kris. 2024. Long Beach Pledge: Guaranteed Income Pilot Project Phase I - Preliminary Final Report. Submitted to the City of Long Beach, September 20, 2024. (This and others are available here on the Long Beach Pledge Dashboard)
Mileva, Mariya, Woodward, Kerry, and Zentgraf Kris. 2024. Long Beach Guaranteed Income Pilot Phase 2: Preliminary Report on Baseline Survey. Submitted to the City of Long Beach, June 13, 2024.
Mileva, Mariya, Woodward, Kerry, and Zentgraf, Kris. 2024. Evaluation of the Long Beach Pledge; Preliminary Report on Mid-Program Survey – Phase 1. Submitted to the City of Long Beach, April 23, 2024.
Muñiz, Janet, and Michael David Aquino. 2024. “Coping On La Cuatro: How Business Owners Display Cultural Resilience Through Development.” Emotion, Space, and Society. (53) 1755-4586. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.emospa.2024.101049
Muñiz, Janet, Ivis García and Erualdo González Romero. 2024. “Cultivating and Defining Rights amidst Commercial Gentrification in Latinx Business Zones in Chicago and Santa Ana.” Planning Practice & Research. (1) 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/02697459.2024.2351759
Nou, Leakhena. 2024. “Violence and traumatic stress among Cambodian survivors and perpetrators of the Khmer Rouge genocide.” Social Science Medicine - Mental Health, 6, 100341. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmmh.2024.100341.
Randles, Jennifer and Kerry Woodward. 2025. Policing Not Providing: The Child Welfare System as Poverty Governance. Critical Perspectives on Youth Series, edited by Amy L. Best, Lorena Garcia, and Jessica K. Taft. New York: New York University Press.
Woodward, Kerry, Zentgraf, Kris, and Mileva, Mariya (with Mia Aldana, Juliana Godoy, and Amanda Gomez). 2024. Evaluation of the Long Beach Pledge: Preliminary Report on Mid-Program Qualitative Findings – Phase 1. Submitted to the City of Long Beach, April 23, 2024.