Full Professor Spotlight 2023: Shadi Saadeh
Shadi Saadeh

Dr. Shadi Saadeh exemplifies excellence in achievement in the College of Engineering. He is a professor in the Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering Management Department, and his area of research includes experimental characterization of highway materials, constitutive modeling of highway materials at the microstructural level, performance evaluation of highway infrastructure, flexible pavement design and analysis, as well as X-ray, image analysis techniques, and mechanical testing. He has received over $6.5M in external grants and contracts in support of his work, including $400,000 for research on pavement, materials, and testing; $530,000 for the establishment of centers of excellence, $85,000 to develop the MS program in Engineering Management, and most notably over $5.5M for the curricular development and administration of the Joint Training and Certification Program (JTCP) to certify and train the technician workforce that maintains infrastructure for the State of California. The JTCP has been in operation for six years and has certified 4500 technicians for CalTrans and the CalAPA industries. It recently received Phase IV renewal funding. $1.5 million to continue the impact it has on the infrastructure of the state. The program is lauded by elected officials in CA for producing the trained workforce that we need. Saadeh has authored 51 publications in peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, and technical reports.
In addition to being the Program Manager of the JTCP, Saadeh founded and directs the National Center for Transportation, Green Technologies and Education (TransGET) providing an interdisciplinary space for research and development in transportation and green technologies. In addition, he is the Assistant Director of the City and County Pavement Improvement Center (CCPIC). Dr. Saadeh teaches courses in pavement, transportation and soil mechanics.
Before joining CSULB, Saadeh worked for the Texas Transportation Institute and the Louisiana Transportation Research Center. Saadeh received his PhD in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M, where he was also given an Academic Excellence Award. He joined CSULB in 2007 as an assistant professor.