Action Plan Sources


  • COE Convocation Retreat – Beach 2030 Action Plans, Aug. 19, 2021. Action Zone Moderators: Sergio Mendez, Antonella Sciortino, Daniel Whistler, DeeDee Green, Hamid Rahai, Nicole Forrest Boggs, Dan O’Conner
  • COE Dean’s Listening Tour, July 14-Sep. 15, 2021
  • COE Town Hall, Dean’s Notes, Oct. 28, 2021
  • 2022 Survey of COE Dean’s Advisory Council – CSULB College of Engineering Strategic Planning and Other Input
  • CSULB Beach 2030

Build an Equitable and Empowering Culture

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Reimagine Faculty

  • Tenure Density, CSULB  Institutional Research Analytics

Reimagine Staff

  • College of Engineering Reimagine Staff Survey, Spring 2022

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