Legal Resource Center News

Legal Resources 

COB Colton House

Colton House

Colton House An Opportunity for Aspiring Writers In Spring 2021, the Legal Resource Center and the Ukleja Center For Ethical Leadership had the honor of hosting a webinar with notable guest author Eric Weiner. In October 2021, Eric and author Jacki Lyden will be hosting the Colton House Writers Retreat in Flagstaff, Arizona. This an excellent opportunity for aspiring writers and all members of the CSULB community to receive a 20 percent discount. For additional information –…
Court Room

Intro to Small Claims Court

Any person who feels that another party owes them money can sue in small claims court..   Introduction to Small Claims Court Most people turn to Small Claims Court when settling minor disputes. Small claims handle private civil cases under limited jurisdiction. Any person or entity who feels that another individual, business, or corporation owes them…
Asia Hate protest

History of Anti-Asian Rhetoric

The recent hate crimes towards Asian Americans unveils the United States' history of xenophobia.  On Tuesday, March 16th, eight people, including six Asian women, were murdered in three Atlanta, Georgia spas. The suspected gunman was charged with eight counts of murder, claiming that he had a sex addiction and felt compelled to eliminate the spas to fight his temptation. While he…
Stimulus Check US Government by Hannah Peedikayil

Third round of the stimulus checks

With the anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic just having passed on March 11th, the recent stimulus package has caught public attention. What's in the COVID-19 Stimulus Package? On Thursday, March 12, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 into law. This package provides a series of financial assistance to restaurants, schools, healthcare centers, homeowners, and several other areas in need. Among the various categories, the third round of stimulus checks has caught…