7 day trip to Havana, Cuba and provinces
The College of Business launched a new short-term study abroad experience in Winter 2022, which culminated in an 7-day trip to Cuba in January 2022. In the face of COVID an intrepid group of five undergraduate students explored the realities of Cuba in contrast to what they had heard and read about here in the United States. In essence, the five students served as ambassadors to not only CSULB, but also to the United States.
The strategic partnership with California State University, Long Beach, further strengthened with €215,290 in new DAAD grants. The funding will go to student and faculty exchange programs in Media Technology, Business, and Social Work departments
Strategic partner The cooperation between HAW Hamburg and California State University, Long Beach offers various tremendous programs for students and faculties
Celebrating 25 years of German-American friendship:
Our passion and strong relationship between HAW Hamburg and California State University-Long Beach do not stop to challenge to make better business program and during the corona pandemic.