57th Annual International Collegiate Business Strategy Competition

Executive Team Flyer

The 57th Annual International Collegiate Business Strategy Competition, albeit virtual, was a success.  Three CSULB Business Teams completed the competition!!  Our Graduate Team won First Place!  A great experience for all.  The unique course and competition takes students’ academic and book learning into a “real-world” and practical application.  Students actual quotes:

  • “This class alone made the investment into this MBA program worth it”.
  • “This business strategy competition has been the most memorable and educational experience from my entire college career. By participating in this competition, I was able to gain experience in making difficult business decisions and I was able to directly apply the business concepts I have studied over the past few years.”

After a semester of planning, analysis, document writing and decision making, 22 teams from 12 universities across the country (and Canada) competed over the weekend of April 23rd with the grueling intensive phase.  They met with their Board of Directors (professionals, also from across the country) to convince them that they made the right decisions and are the right management team to move the (simulated) company forward.

The CSULB team of business graduate students, Team Fly Cleats, took the top honor with First Place in Best Overall!! They were also runner ups in Best Documents.  Fly Cleats was led by Evening MBA students Kurt Bogle as CEO, Barron Effenberger as CFO, On-Line MBA student Mai Weisz as COO, and M.S. Marketing Analytics student Charlotte Mahone as VP Marketing.

CSULB has been the host school for this competition for over 10 years.  Faculty, the MBA Advisory Board and students continue to support such a practical and impactful learning experience.