Jeffrey Cohlberg, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus (CSULB 1975-2016)

Courses Taught at CSULB

  • Undergraduate Biochemistry courses
  • Graduate Biochemistry Colloquium
  • CHEM 544, graduate lecture course in Physical Biochemistry

Research Interests

Protein assembly, including structure and assembly of neurofilaments, formation of pathological aggregates from superoxide dismutase

Education History

  • Ph.D. in Biochemistry, U. of Cal., Berkeley, 1972
  • B.A. in Chemistry, Cornell University, 1966

Additional Resources

Dr. Cohlberg also maintains the following resources.

Jmol Molecular Modeling Manual

I authored a manual, Exploring Proteins and Nucleic Acid Structure with Jmol, which has been used in introductory biochemistry classes at CSULB since 2001 and is also used in courses at other universities. The manual is updated regularly.

Please see: Jmol Manual Google Site

Biochemists' Songbook

The Biochemists' Songbook (1982) by Harold Baum is a collection of songs on biochemical pathways that was originally accompanied by a cassette tape with recordings of the songs. The audio tracks were converted to MP3 files by Academic Computing Services at CSULB and, with the permission of the publisher, made available to the general public.

Please see: Biochemists' Songbook Google Site