Corpse Flower Bloom - Laura
July 10, 2019
10:00am-5:00pm in the corridor between HSCI and MLSC
Check out @CSULBSciMath on Twitter for updates.
Update: July 9 - Laura is on schedule! Encouraged by the warmer weather, Laura's ruffled spathe is unfurling. She will be on display at 10:00am tomorrow, 7/10/2019, in the corridor between HSCI and MLSC.

"Laura," one of two corpse flowers at CSULB, is set for an early bloom this week.
Last blooming in 2015, Laura was not expected to bloom for another 3 years. This rare plant species known as Titan Arum, typically blooms only every 7 to 10 years.
Laura and Phil were obtained as seedlings in 2009 for the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics by Brian Thorson, Botany Curator and Technician. He tends all plants with great care and Laura and Phil have both responded with blooms accompanied by the famous stench. The first bloom was Laura at seven years in 2015, and then Phil had his first bloom at 10 years just this past month.
Completely unexpected, Laura is showing signs blooming years ahead of schedule. Her spathe ruffle is revealing a burgundy that is deepening in color to a more chocolate shade. The spadix is also showing the indentations that Phil did right before he bloomed in early June.
Laura will be displayed when the bloom opens later this week.