Financial Support for Student Organizations
2024-2025 ASCEND Support funding for student organization

ASCEND Program
California State University, Long Beach (CSULB)
Opened until all grants awarded.
To apply, please click this application link or
The 2024-2025 ASCEND support funding for student organizations application is currently open until fund is completely granted. ASCEND program offers funding to support student organizations for increasing:
- sense of belonging on campus OR
- STEM enrollment
CSULB student organizations registered with Association Students, Inc., CSU, Long Beach.
- Complete the online ASCEND support funding for student organizations application (click here for application or
- 1-2 pages narratives of a proposed outreach events or details of student team-based competition. Please, include
- student chapter information such as missions, functions, activities, and number of current members.
- full details of proposed activity as well as event name, date, time, location. Objectives or goals of the planned activities. The chapter has hosted in this activity before, or this is a new activity?
- nature of anticipating attendees such as K-12 students, CSULB students, for examples. How many tentative numbers of attendees?
- Student organization advisor information. ASCEND team will contact the advisor for a letter of support for the proposed activities.
- Budget justification. (click here for budget justification template)
- Impact statement of ASCEND support funding for student organizations toward ASCEND program’s missions. This statement should include:
- Describe the student organization’s needs for ASCEND funding and how the fund supports campus populations or in your student organization. (Optional: how the ASCEND fund impacts students specifically; 300 words maximum-PDF).
- How would your planned activities contribute towards increasing sense of belonging at CSULB (optional: Specifically, how students increase their CSULB sense of belonging; 300 words maximum-PDF).
- What is the potential of your planned activities promoting social justice toward individuals and other groups on campus (300 words maximum-PDF).
- If it is applicable, how the event(s) will increase STEM enrollment at CSULB (200-300 words - PDF).
- Support needs justification.
- Potential to advance ASCEND missions, and impact toward target students.
- Ability to achieve and complete their proposed activities.
- Quality of application package.
Once the research support is disbursed, ASCEND selected student organization:
- must complete their activity during fall 2024, spring 2025 and summer 2025.
- submit a summary of the outreach, workshop, or student competition within one month after the event is completed. Template will be provided.
- must complete annual ASCEND evaluation and survey forms.
- must agree to be included in the ASCEND email list and ASCEND Discord Server.
The ASCEND program eliminates barriers, gender, race, national origin, color, disability, or age and assures equitable access to, and participation in the program.
Questions? For more information, please visit our website (
If you have questions about the ASCEND scholarship applications, please feel free to contact us at