College of the Arts News
Stop AAPI Hate
The College of the Arts affirms solidarity with the Asian-American and Pacific Islander community and recognizes the need to support and honor the equality and importance of our students, faculty, and staff who share AAPI identity, family, and heritage. Incidents of violence targeting AAPI-identifying peoples have escalated during the past…
Fine Arts Affiliates – Supporting CSULB Students in the Arts for More than Fifty Years
For nearly 60 years, the Fine Arts Affiliates (FAA) has been supporting student scholarships for CSULB College of the Arts majors. During that time, more than $600,000 has been given to the College of the Arts by FAA for scholarships and programs. Membership is open to all.
Anne D'Zmura Steps Into Position of Acting Dean
Robin Bargar will no longer serve as Dean of the College of the Arts. Anne Justine D'Zmura, Interim Associate Dean for the college, has been named by Provost Karyn Scissum Gunn as the Acting Dean of the college.
David Waldman – Film and Electronic Arts – Lighting - Online Course
Earlier this month, David Waldman, a professional cinematographer and instructor for the Film and Electronic Arts Department, teaches Lighting for the Camera. The course is offered in the Spring semester for third year undergrads in the narrative production option in FEA. The goal of the class is the examination of basic aesthetic and technical…
CSULB Student Creates Virtual Choir Video
Mitchell Villareal, a graduating senior at CSULB recently created a beautiful virtual arrangement featuring multiple singers and instrumentalists all collaborating on “We Are the World.” He explained the inspiration, motivation, and process behind his video.
Kleefeld Contemporary Connects with Instagram
In March, the Carolyn Campagna Kleefeld Contemporary Art Museum issued an invitation to its members, visitors, and followers on Instagram to participate in a virtual exhibition. Artwork and works in progress were submitted in response, and the Kleefeld Contemporary plans to continue this interactive outreach throughout the crisis and during the stay-at-home…