Partnership for Research and Education in Materials News

CSULB PREM Students Travel During Summer 2024

The PREM summer has started with CSULB undergrad Josh Luna and CSULB M.S. student Tyler Hadsell attending the High Energy X-ray Techniques (HEXT) workshop at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS) at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY.

PREM Participates in APS March Meeting 2024

The APS March Meeting 2024 was in Minneapolis from March 3-8, 2024. The CSULB-OSU PREM was well represented. We had six contributed talks and two posters. Four of the talks and one of the posters had both CSULB and Ohio State co-authors. Seven had CSULB student presenters.

Alessandra Lanzara Featured in PREM Physics Seminar

In February 2024 the CSULB PREM program hosted Prof. Alessandra Lanzara. She holds the Charles Kittel Chair in Physics at UC Berkeley, is a senior faculty scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, and is an expert in just about all aspects of condensed matter physics and material science.

PREM Spring 2024 Kickoff

On February 1 the CSULB PREM program kicked off the Spring 2024 Semester with our first bi-weekly PREM meetings. We have around a dozen PREM folks heading to the APS March Meeting in Minneapolis in a month and will look forward to practice talks in the next PREM meeting!

Lauren Keyes Featured in CSULB Physics Colloquium

In December 2023 the CSULB PREM and Physics and Astronomy Department hosted Lauren Keyes for a Condensed Matter Seminar. Lauren is a 5th year Ph.D. student in the Physics Department and the Center for Emergent Materials at The Ohio State University working on theoretical condensed matter physics research with Ph.D. advisor, Prof. Mohit Randeria.

Fall 2023 CSULB-OSU PREM Symposium

In October 2023 we held our first joint CSULB-OSU PREM Symposium with over 35 participants, 9 of which came from The Ohio State University. This was an all-day event beginning with a welcome talk by Prof. Peterson followed by a research talk by Prof. Goldberger, who is the director of The Ohio State University's NSF Materials Research Science and…