Stephen Macharia

Published October 19, 2017

Getting involved in so many organizations means I got the chance to experience things that I wouldn’t have expected to have done. I was one of the founding member of the current CSULB Anthropology Association, started at secretary then led it as president. This gave me an opportunity to interact with a lot of members of my major outside of my courses as well as create a great relationship with some of the faculty in the major. 

I presented a poster at a professional conference, something I definingly didn’t think I could have done do when I first enrolled at CSULB.

Studied abroad in japan for the spring 2017 semester.

Worked with the Alumni association as a myBeach ambassador has given me the opportunity to expand my network, meet mentors, and develop important skills like event planning, community outreach, public speaking, fundraising, etc. I’ve volunteered at events like homecoming, grad fair, week of welcome etc.

To be honest CSULB was recommended to me as it had a strong cultural anthropology program.  I also wanted to get out of my comfort zone. Knowing myself, if I had chosen a university closer to home I’m not sure if I would have stepped out of my comfort zone and gotten involved on campus. 

Grad school, Peace Corps, or non-profit work are some of the possibilities I see soon.  As far as long-term goals, the UN nations is an org that I wish to work for.

I was interested in the prospects of creating a network outside of the university.

Students who came before me have given back and donated through the alumni association in order to benefit  future generations of students, so I felt the need to also give back  for the next future generations. I also know that my donation is used in order to hold events that benefit upcoming students. I always though philanthropy is something wealthy people only participate in, however students like myself can also give to a cause without breaking the bank.