Celeste Godoy '19

Published October 2, 2019

While at CSULB I maintained a job at the Aquarium of the Pacific’s Call Center and I then joined a campaign for Long Beach City Council where I gained insight to local politics. From there I then joined CSULB Model United Nations and competed in intercollegiate competitions traveling as far as Santa Barbara for conferences. I was also selected to attend CHESS in March of 2018 where I lobbied with other students from different CSUs for students rights, focusing on college tuition, mental health and food disparity amongst students. I have also been the Operation Coordinator for a local non profit called the CSR Children’s Foundation, this non profit focuses on creating a special beach day for kids with special needs.

I decided to go to CSULB because it was the most financially reasonable for me, I also have always loved Long Beach and enjoy the campus/area.

I am currently trying to get a city job, preferably somewhere in the Community Development department but I have also become interested in becoming a 911 Dispatcher.

I got involved in the mentor program because I thought it would be a good way to learn from someone who has been through a similar life path. I feel it is beneficial to both people to learn from each other to grow.