Kim Anthony

Kim Anthony

Kim Anthony

’01, B.S. Marine Biology
’09, M.S. Biology
Waste Permitting Manager, SONGS Decommissioning Solutions

Kim graduated twice from CSULB with a B.S. in Marine Biology and an M.S. in Biology in 2001 and 2009, respectively. Upon graduation, Kim spent nine years with Southern California Edison (SCE), serving as the company’s coastal and marine resources subject matter expert. At SCE, most of her efforts focused on the environmental monitoring and mitigation projects of the company’s nuclear power plant, San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS), currently being prepared for decommissioning.

More recently, Kim joined the SONGS Decommissioning Solutions team as the Waste Permitting & Compliance Manager, while continuing to work on the decommissioning project.

Although her professional responsibilities have steered away from marine science, Kim remains a resident of Long Beach and has maintained close ties to her CSULB Marine Biology family and the university. She serves as the Alumni Association’s V.P. of Programs on its Board of Directors, collaborating with friends and colleagues of the College of Natural Science and Mathematics to garner interest and facilitate engagement in alumni programs.

A long-time resident and graduate of Long Beach, Kim’s participation with the Alumni Association provided an opportunity to reconnect with the university and give something back to the CSULB community and the many years of friendships and memorable experiences.