Marnos Lelesi
1996 Distinguished Alumna

Marnos Lelesi
1983, M.A., Educational Administration, CSULB
1959, B.S., Elementary Education, SUNY, Oneonta
Marnos Lelesi believes in making a difference. Currently, she is making that difference as principal of Roosevelt School, a year-round elementary campus in central Long Beach. Her career goals are to provide leadership and to empower teachers to make a difference in the lives of their student.
Roosevelt was recognized in the 1995-96 school year by the California Department of Education for unprecedented success as a Program Improvement Initiative School in the areas of student achievement and school climate. When conference and workshops on those topics are held nationwide, it’s Roosevelt they see on tape and CD-ROM.
Lelesi served as principal of Burcham Elementary for more than six years. She is president of the Long Beach Elementary and Secondary (School) Administrators Association and president-elect of the Association of Long Beach Educational Managers.
Her husband Alexander is a math teacher at Compton High School, her son Timothy is a systems analyst for the Torrance-based IT Corp. and her son Michael is a CSULB graduate and a teacher at Lakewood High School. Her hobbies include sewing, reading, needlepoint and designing cards.
From Alumni Awards 1996 program