Marie Otto
1988 Distinguished Alumna

Marie Otto
1967, MA, Educational Psychology, CSULB
1954, B.A., Speech/Drama/Education, Sul-Rose State University, Texas
Superintendent Emeritus of Huntington Beach Union High School District, Marie Otto, began her thirty-five year career in education as a private speech pathologist and a classroom instructor. She accepted a position with the Huntington Beach District in 1969 as a school Psychologist and then became Project Manager for a Criminal Justice Project prior to assignments as Director of Pupil Personnel Services and Assistant Superintendent.
In addition to her public education assignments, Marie served as Vice President of Poole-Yount-Koehler, an educational management and evaluation service for public and private agencies, and as President of Marie Otto Associates. Although officially retired, Marie has not retired from service to the area.
She is on the Board of Directors of Humana Hospital, Golden West College Foundation and Huntington Beach Community Clinic, and is the educational liaison for the American Red Cross in Orange County. Marie and her husband Robert have three children. Lois Ann, who received a BA in English from CUSLB, Barbara and Robert Jr.