University Resources Council (URC)
The University Resources Council shall serve as the primary faculty advisory body to the Academic Senate and University Division heads on matters associated with the University budget. The University Resources Council is subordinate to the Academic Senate, and, as such, all policies and regulations recommended by the University Resources Council shall be presented to the Academic Senate for approval, except for those matters specifically delegated to the University Resources Council. The University Resources Council shall review University financial reports and make recommendations arising from these reports. The Council shall review, evaluate, set priorities where appropriate, and make recommendations on fiscal and business matters and such other support functions as:
- Instructional resources
- Allocation of faculty positions
- Allocation of space
- Institutional support budget
- Athletic budget
- Self-support programs
and any other instructional resource matters deemed appropriate for review by this Council.
The University Resources Council shall advise administrators and other Resource Planning Process Task Force members on priorities for use of funds. The Council shall annually review information, issues, and recommendations arising from external and internal reviews in order to make budgetary recommendations on planning and issues arising from these reports.
The University Resources Council shall also serve as the consultative body on long-term fiscal planning and assist in the development of proposals for non-traditional funding.
The Council shall not, however, have initial jurisdiction on matters specifically delegated to the Colleges. If disagreements not otherwise reconcilable occur concerning fiscal and budgetary policies, such disagreements and problems shall be referred to the University Resources Council for resolution.
Upon request of the Academic Senate or University Administration, the Council shall nominate members to serve on committees that require the particular expertise of its membership. One faculty member shall be elected by the Council as a representative to the Associated Students, Inc. Board of Control.
*Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee)
*Vice President for Student Services (or designee)
*Vice President for Administration and Finance (or designee)
* Vice President for University Relations and Development (or designee)
*Deans of the Colleges (or designees)
*Dean, Library Services (or designee)
Four (4) tenured or tenure track faculty members from the College of Liberal Arts, and two (2) from each of the other Colleges, elected by secret majority ballot
One (1) tenured or tenure-track librarian, elected by secret majority ballot
One (1) tenured or tenure track student services professional, academic-related elected by secret majority ballot
One (1) lecturer who shall serve for a period of one year, elected by a secret majority ballot of the lecturers
One (1) member from the Academic Senate elected by the Academic Senate, who should also be an elected member of the Council if possible ; if an individual with dual membership is not available, the Senator becomes a non-voting member
One (1) Department Chair, either an elected member of the Council or a Department Chair appointed by the Senate upon recommendation of the Nominating Committee as a non-voting member if an elected member is not available
One (1) full-time staff member, elected by Staff Council
Two (2) student members, selected by the Associated Students, Inc.
The University Resources Council shall establish a Steering Committee composed of the elected officers of the Council and the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee) and the Vice President for Administration and Finance (or designee).
The Steering Committee shall be responsible for the planning and scheduling of meetings, agenda setting, and transmittal of items to the Academic Senate. The Steering Committee shall also make appointments to Council subcommittees and ad hoc committees.
The Lottery Committee of the University Resources Council shall be formed each year from the membership of the Council. The membership shall include half of the voting University Resources Council members from each college (selected by the Deans of their respective Colleges), the voting University Resources Council member from the Library, the staff representative, the student services professional, academic-related, and the Associated Students, Inc. Treasurer (or designee). The following shall serve as ex officio , non-voting members of the Lottery Committee: Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee), Vice President for Administration and Finance (or designee), Vice President for Student Services (or designee), and Vice President for University Relations and Development (or designee). The Lottery Committee shall advise the Provost directly on all lottery matters. The Lottery Committee members shall also serve on their constituent lottery committees.
The University Resources Council may establish such additional subcommittees as it deems necessary to the discharge of its responsibilities under its charge.
The Council shall select a Council Liaison who will attend Academic Senate meetings and report back to the Council. The Council liaison should be an Academic Senator if possible; if not, the Council shall appoint a member who will become a non-voting member of the Senate.
The Chair of the University Resources Council serves as an ex officio voting member of the Campus Planning Committee, the Academic Senate Emergency Committee, and the Resource Planning Process Task Force.