Rosemary Wedding '73

I grew up in the Bay Area, and my sisters both went to UCLA. I applied through all of the state university systems. Long Beach State had a good location, and the price was right. I didn't want to go to the same school as my older sister - I thought we should have a separate experience for our college years. I applied to all of the state universities, and I was accepted to all of them. I chose Long Beach State because it was close to my sister, who was at UCLA. We had a different choice of activities at Long Beach State. It was still a big campus, and I lived in the dormitory setting. I later got my own studio apartment down in Belmont Shore. There was a bus for me to go back and forth. I grew up in a teaching family, so naturally my choice was initially for elementary education. I got a teaching credential, and I did substitute teaching. I worked long-term substitute jobs in California. I studied the bilingual requirement because that was necessary for teaching in the business world. I was an administrative assistant for the classes I took in my business minor. I took all of the financial classes that I needed at the administrative assistant level.