Raymond Bransfield '83
My experience at California State University, Long Beach was incredibly influential in my career. I was lucky enough to meet some amazing people, including other students, who were passionate about biology and willing to share their knowledge with me. This led me to change my major from Marine Biology to Vertebrate Zoology. I was also fortunate to have Dr. Reisch hire me as a work study student, which allowed me to stay in school and take the first step towards my career. I was also able to gain valuable experience through volunteering to monitor endangered birds along the southern California coast. This connection, along with a recommendation from an associate professor, Barbara Massey, led to a 40-year career with the Fish and Wildlife Service. The field ecology class I took with Dr. Bob Clover and Dr. Alan Miller was also incredibly influential. They were so passionate about the ecology of Southern California that it changed my mind and my major. This class also taught me the importance of getting outside and seeing what's going on. It also taught me how to debate and defend my views, which was incredibly helpful in my career. Overall, my experience at California State University, Long Beach was invaluable and I'm grateful for the people I met and the lessons I learned.