Nancy Turney Claxton '71

I have always been passionate about making a difference in the lives of children and families. During my time at Cal State Long Beach, I was majoring in political science and minoring in early childhood education. One day, I was walking out of my class in the home economics building and I walked right into the Long Beach police department's riot squad. It was a time of unrest due to the Vietnam War and I was often the only woman in my political science classes. It was challenging, but I was determined to make a difference. I worked as an administrator in early childhood education and as a college teacher in the same subject. I was on committees of varying boards of supervisors, state assembly, state senators, and members of Congress. I worked hard to get legislation passed that was the right legislation for children and families. I was also on Senator Roberti's committee when he was developing before and after school care programs and funding. We worked together to get the language of the bill right and to make sure that special education children were served in the right district. I have been involved in the early education field for many years and I am still active and keep current with professional associations. I have had the opportunity to touch many lives and I am grateful for the chance to make a difference. I believe that if the idea is right, someone will arise to sustain it.