Elaine Ridder '67

I was the first one in my family to attend Cal State Long Beach. I chose this school because we lived close by and I wanted to stay close to family and friends. My major was something I wanted to learn more about and I had to wait until my kids were a bit older before I could pursue it. I juggled my schedule by getting someone to take care of my kids while I worked on campus for professors and at the Press Telegram. My favorite classes and professors are hard to remember, but I enjoyed learning and exploring new opportunities. I worked while I was going to school, so I didn't have much time for fun. Going to school impacted me as a person by helping me understand that there are always opportunities and to be who I am and love what I do. I have fond memories of the friends I made and the support I received from them. That's what makes me smile when I think about my time at Cal State Long Beach.