The Honorable Beverly O’Neill

A graduate of Long Beach Polytechnic High School and Long Beach City College, Beverly O’Neill earned a bachelor’s degree in 1952, in elementary education and music and a master’s degree in 1957 in counseling and guidance from California State University, Long Beach. Following her graduation, she was named CSULB’s Outstanding Woman Graduate. Her doctorate in education (1977) is from the University of Southern California.
In 1994, Beverly was elected Mayor of Long Beach. She became the city’s only three-term mayor elected citywide. Additionally, she has served as President for the U.S. Conference of Mayors.
A former President of Long Beach City College, Beverly received two of the profession’s highest awards during her tenure, the Outstanding Administrator award from the Association of California Community College Administrators and the Regional Chief Executive Officer award from the Association of Community College Trustees. In 1976, she was inducted into LBCC’s Hall of Fame.
Beverly has been deeply involved in the Long Beach community throughout her life. Her volunteer service has exceeded more than 20 community organizations, which include Rotary International, the Salvation Army, the YMCA, United Way, AIDS Walk of Long Beach, and the Junior League of Long Beach.
Her honors and awards include Citizen of the Year from the Exchange Club, the Humanitarian Award from the National Council of Christians and Jews (California Conference on Equity and Justice), Woman of Excellence Award from the YWCA, Business Woman of the Year from Long Beach Business & Professional Women, and Woman of the Year from the Long Beach Human Relations Commission. She was awarded CSULB’s Distinguished Alumni Award in 1984 and the Golden Achievement Award from CSULB’s Alumni Association in 1999. Recently, she received the Crystal Arts and Humanitarian Award from International City Theatre for her significant contributions to arts, culture, and education.
Former Mayor of Long Beach
CSULB Awards and Honors:
Outstanding Woman Graduate, 1952
1984 Distinguished Alumni Award, College of Education
Golden Achievement Award, CSULB Alumni Association, 1999
AA, Music, Long Beach City College
BA, 1952, Elementary Education, College of Education, CSULB
MA, 1956, Elementary Education, College of Education, CSULB
EdD, 1977, University of Southern California