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California State University, Long Beach                                      

Policy Statement

                                                                                                     April 6, 2005

Rights and Privileges of Emeritus Faculty and Presidents
(This supercedes policy statement 70-9)

This policy was recommended by the Academic Sentate on February 24, 2005 and approved by the President on March 21, 2005.

All faculty including lecturers who have accumulated ten or more years of full-time equivalent service at California State University, Long Beach shall achieve Emeritus status in their highest academic rank upon retirement from the University. Breaks in service do not disqualify a lecturer from attaining Emeritus status. Emeritus status may also be granted by the President, acting upon the recommendation of the appropriate department, college, or equivalent unit. Presidents shall achieve Emeritus status upon retirement from the University.

Upon becoming Emeritus, faculty members or presidents:

1. Shall receive a faculty identification card entitling them to the usual attendant privileges.
2. Shall be listed in the University catalogue under their appropriate department.
3. Shall receive a letter of congratulations from the President of the University.
4. Shall be invited to all formal functions sanctioned and/or approved by the University.
5. Shall be eligible to participate in sponsored research projects subject to appropriate university approval.
6. Shall be eligible to serve on thesis committees.
7. Shall be eligible to use office and/or laboratory space if available and approved by 2/3rds of the faculty of the relevant department(s).
8. Shall be extended at least the following rights and privileges, where applicable and subject to university guidelines:

A. Internet access and/or an e-mail account.
B. Discounts or complimentary tickets for campus events.
C. Full faculty library privileges.
D. Eligibility for free faculty parking, if not actively employed by the University.
E. Eligibility to use recreational facilities.
F. Other privileges as the Academic Senate, Associated Students, the President and/or the Chancellor’s Office may recommend.

9. Upon retirement any faculty member may decline Emeritus status.

EFFECTIVE: Immediately